Chapter 16: I didn't want to hurt you

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"Hey Minnie." He smirks. I feel like punching that smirky lips of his.

"Hey." I manage to utter. I wish I had told Kiara about us. Right now, he'd be out of my house.

"Come, have breakfast with us." Kiara tells him.

"Sure." He says and sits with us.

"So when did you return?" She asks him.

"Yesterday." He replies.

"But I've heard Kingstone High is a better school than Wellingtons Institution then why did you get back?" Kiara compares his school to mine.

"Yes it is but it lacks one of the most precious thing that Wellingtons Institution has..." He tells her while he's looking at me and doesn't move his gaze.

"Let me guess? It should definitely be my Joanne." She laughs. What?

"Definitely." He says in a serious tone, his eyes not leaving mine. I fake a laugh so that Kiara doesn't doubt the relationship between us. We then quietly complete our breakfast. Once we're done, I go and collect my bag from my room and go down. Kiara and Janyd are still talking. I grab my car keys and am about to leave but Janyd says, "We can go to school together."

"No, it's alright. I can manage." I argue. No way in hell am I going with you, you moron!

"Oh come on." He tells me.

I keep my car keys back. "Alright." I reply. God! He knows I won't argue much in front of Kiara.

Both of us head out. He opens the car door for me. Before I sit, a shiny grey Mercedes arrives and a smile immediately escapes from my mouth because I know whose it is. The windows roll down and Pernel asks, "Want a ride?"

"Sure." I say and go, sit in her car, leaving Janyd standing out there like a fool.

Once we proceed, I exclaim, "You're a saviour man! Thanks."

"Told you won't let you be with him. I saw you with him and thought of just asking you if you needed a ride." She says. She further asks, "Why is he back?"

"I don't know. He says he missed me and that's the reason of his return."

"What?!" She shouts and harshly applies the breaks of the car in bewilderment.

"Chill. You can't trust him. Not anymore." I say.

"Okay and what's up with Aaron?" She questions.

"I don't know." I reply.


It's Physics class so as usual we friends sit in four different corners. Mr. Matt is teaching but he is interrupted by someone.

"May I come in Sir?" Aaron asks. As usual he's late.

"You are late Mr. Mac. Do you have any excuse?" Sir asks him.

"No Sir. I'm sorry." Aaron apologies.

"Okay. Come on, quickly get seated." Sir says. He comes and grabs the seat next to me.

"Joanne." He calls me after sometime but I choose to ignore.

"Joanne." He calls me again but I don't reply.

"Joanne please. I want to talk to you about something crucial." He says.

"But I don't want to talk to you. And stop disturbing me. Let me pay attention." I tell him and after that he doesn't say anything. He has hurt me but I don't know why I still feel terrible talking to him rudely.

Once the class gets over, I get up and am about to leave but someone stops me by holding my wrist from behind. I turn around to see it's Aaron.

"What?" My pitch is quite high.

"I want to talk to you." He says.

"I said I don't want to."

"It's important."

"I'm done listening to your bullshit." I pull my hand but set it free from his grip. I then turn around and leave but he pulls me by my arm this time.

"Please..." He says.

Before I can say anything, Janyd holds his arms and pulls it from my hand.

"Back off bro. Don't you get it she doesn't want to talk." Janyd tells Aaron.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" Aaron tells Janyd. He's quite angry.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk." A voice comes from my left and all three of us turn to look who it is. A walking disaster!

"Poor boys. How happy are you J to see them arguing to each other for you? You were always like this, weren't you? An attention seeker!" Maddison remarks.

"Fuck off." All three of us say together and she leaves but not before smirking at me.
"Janyd, it's okay. I can handle my own matters." I tell him and leave.


Aaron's POV.

She doesn't look at me in the eye. I feel dreadful. And that Janyd, who the hell is he? I need to ask Jacob about him but before that I need to talk to my Joanne. I go in search of her. After a few rounds here and there, I finally spot her in the corridor. Thank God she's standing alone. I don't waste a single second and snake my fingers around her wrist and pull her in one of the empty classroom a few steps ahead.

"What's wrong with you?" She shouts but still doesn't look at me.

"I told you it's important. I'm really very sorry Joanne. Let me explain, please."

"Your sorry can't fix what happened."

"I know but please hear me out." I plead.


"It was all a dare. I didn't have the intentions of hurting you."

"What? A dare?" She clamours.

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