Chapter 4: As Bitter As Cocoa

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For a few minutes we were just looking at each other. His eyes. His eyes hold everything that my soul thirsts for.

God. He is a play boy. Just push him!

I try to protest but his grip is too tight. He slowly moves his face towards my lips. I can sense that he's drunk. He then turns his face towards my ear and whispers, "You cannot refrain yourself from me, no matter how flirty I am. A good girl always falls for a bad boy."

"You are drunk. You don't know what you're speaking. And who told you I'm a good girl?"

"I am aware of each and every thing I'm doing. Alcohol can make me drunk but you, you make me sober. Baby girl, learn to hide what you're writing in the chits especially if it's about the person sitting next to you."

Oh no. He had read that. How dumb can I be?

"Stop getting cheesy and don't tell me what to do. Leave." I command.

He sets me loose and I immediately move back. He's about to leave but he turns and says, "Learn to hide your eyes Cocoa, people can see you heart through them." And he leaves, not before flashing a cocky smile. I watch him climb down from my balcony by taking support of a pipe. What a talented person. I roll my eyes and go to lay on my bed.

Cocoa? A new drama's about to happen. Huh.


The luminous rays of sunlight passes through the curtains and pulls me out of sleep. I glance at the clock. Oh no. I'm late. I forgot to keep the alarm last night. Thanks to Aaron. I hardly slept and when I dozed off, he appeared in my dreams. I quickly take shower, dress up and go to the kitchen to have some breakfast. The table is filled with my favourite food items. Hot pancakes with berry sauce and chocolate milkshake.

"Good morning, darling." Kiara flashes a smile.

Kiara is my nanny. She is tall, fair, with silky brown hair. She has perfect features. More than nanny, she is like a mother to me. She's been there for me even when my biological mother wasn't. She takes care of all my wants and needs.

"Good morning, Kiara." I shoot a broad smile.

"You look dull today. Didn't you have a good sleep last night?"

"! I had a perfect sleep previous night. Don't worry. I'm fine." I protest and start hogging my breakfast so that I can leave for the school on time.


I'm putting my stuff into the locker and I feel someone's hands on my waist. I quickly push the person.

"Ouch!" It's Alyssa. My push was so hard that she landed on the ground.

"God. You scared the shit out of me." I tell her with my left hand on my chest.

"What's wrong? You are panting J." Alyssa asks in concern.

"Last night Aaron had come....." I tell her everything that happened last night.

"Joanne! He's attracted to you." Alyssa concludes.

"Don't comprehend such things. We're poles apart."

"No seriously. I'm getting such vibes since yesterday and you know my vibes are veracious. I even stalked him on Instagram last night. His profile is bomb!"

"Okay." Is all I can say.


I'm sitting in the lunch room with my friends. Kiara has given me fries and a can juice for lunch. As soon as I open the can of juice, there is a peculiar smell coming from it. I make Deann smell it and she comments the same so I go to throw the can. On my way, Aaron comes in my direction but I ignore him and walk straight.

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