Chapter 12: The Kiss

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          "Guys... I need your help." I tell Alyssa, Pernel and Deeann. We're heading towards the lunch room.

"For what?" Alyssa asks.

"I am going to the concert with Aaron. You'll have to help me to get dressed up." I say

"In." All three of them say in unison.

When we enter the lunchroom, Maddison comes towards me but I ignore and walk ahead. But seems like she wanted to have fun. She puts her foot in the middle and it's too late for me to realise. I trip and am about to fall on the ground but Dee and Aly hold me.

"Don't worry. We got your back." Deeann says.

On the other hand, Pernel sets her foot between Maddison's legs and she bumps on the ground. All fours of us start laughing at her.

"I at least have friends by my side. Your puppets aren't even there for you when you need them." I smirk and tell Maddison.

"Well Joanne dear, laugh how much ever you want to and I promise to make you weep within a few days." She says and leaves.

We go and sit on our usual table. Aaron is sitting right on the opposite table. He mouths, "Today at 7." I smile and give him a nod.

"So Joanne, what time are y'all leaving?" Deeann asks.

"At 7."

"We'll be there by 5:30?" Deeann asks Alyssa and Perns.

"Yeah." Alyssa replies.

"No problem." Pernel says.

"You should have told Mr. Matt that we three also helped you. We would also get a free ticket." Deeann tells me and all of us laugh.


I hear the doorbell and I go down to open the door. He takes a look at me. "Amazing." He says while his eyes cannot leave mine. I am wearing a black tube top and a black leather jacket on top of it. Black bondage boots which go along well with my outfit. A black denim on the bottom. I've rolled a black bandana on my neck with white print on it. A pair of long silver loops.

"Thank you." I absorb the praise. But I must say he's looking dashing. He's wearing a navy blue tank top which reveal his toned muscles along with ripped jeans. He has tied a red and black chequered shirt on his waist. A silver chain is hanging on his neck. A watch on one hand and bands on the other. And finally, brown shoes complementing his outfit.

"If you're done checking me out, let's go Ms. Black?" He sniggers.


Once we reach there, he grabs my hand and takes me into the crowd. He stops where there is enough place for both of us to dance. We start dancing and after sometime I realise that we're dancing like animals. He then tells me to sit on his shoulder and I happily agree. I've always wished to come to a concert with the guy I like and sitting on his shoulder. Today, that has come true.

A few minutes later I climb down. There are firecrackers in the sky. After every few minutes, there are flames of fire on the stage. Long streamers spurts on the crowd from two corners of the stage. We dance close to each other and I can feel the intimacy between us.

After dancing close to each other for a while, he looks at my lips and puts his lips on mine. His tongue is moving around my lips, asking for permission. I open my lips and he lets his tongue explore my mouth. He cups my face and I hold his neck with one hand and the other hand is messing around with his hair. And here, we kiss, in the middle of the concert. I can feel his smile on my lips while kissing. He's kissing me as if my lips are air and he cannot breathe. There are fireworks on the sky and in my stomach. I can feel the fire in my bones. My skin is tingling with electricity. I feel as if I am drunk. He has that effect on me.

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