Taxi driver

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My aunt Steph had a hard time getting a job as a young adult. Being transgender was something that was not so tolerated in the early 2000's. My step dad was a taxi driver. Well, he only had one customer. My aunt was a real catch and men knew it. The discrimination that was so freely expressed seemed to vanish behind closed doors. She would make money entertaining these men. To what extent... I can't elaborate. Not because of any censorship... this retelling has no censorship... but it is a retelling where an exaggeration of the truth is non-existent. My step dad would drive her to various locations and get paid a small amount for his troubles. A taxi driver to some, an accomplice to others. 

I mention this story as she has recently fallen ill and this was the explanation I was given as to why behind closed doors. Other rumors suggest her boyfriend has been sleeping with others leading to her contracting the same disease that plagues the unfaithful... or the innocent. She is rumored to have aids or as known to my grandmother a "terminal illness." Whether my family is correct in saying all the years of exaggerating her mental and physical condition has cursed her with a real illness or a life of bad choices has caught up to her or her boyfriend is human... life is slipping away.  

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