My Cousin is a WWE Wrestler

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My Aunt has a son... her son's dad is a rapist... my cousin is a rapist... son. 

When I was young I would go over to my aunt's house to play with my cousin. She lived close by in the same apartment complex that I use to live in. She lived upstairs. She had a son and a daughter. One day she had another son... he was older than the original son that I had come to know. He was from Mexico. He knew english, but knew wrestling even better. We mimicked the wrestling moves seen on T.v. He threw me across the floor and I squirmed in pain. It quickly went away as I finally understood why wrestlers in WWE games moved in such a way after being knocked down. 

Her son grew up. He developed a problem. One day he decided to wrestle with his sister. She was asleep. It was the middle of the night. She screamed. 

He was a wrestler. He was a rapist.... adult. 

He was kicked out. He had a new opponent. Drug addiction. 


was his dad's..... son.

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