"Calm down, I'm doing a natural look" she says, like that changes things but before I could protest, she's dragging me into her room. I put up a fight when she tried putting all the make up on but after earning a dead arm, I have no choice but to sit there and scowl. I was able to convince her to let me keep my usual braid which I was relived she agreed to, looking into her make up mirror I realise that I really don't look that different

"Hmm" I know exactly what's coming out of her mouth before she even says it

"I told you so" I knew it. I roll my eyes at her and leave her room, finally done with all this torture, it takes Madge two hours to get changed and by now everyone is gathered at our apartment, Madge finally comes out, she never goes over the top and keeps it to a minimum which is why I really love her, although she's a makeup artist, she never goes extra, neither do any of the other girls which is why I can at least tolerate being around them but I'm not sure how tonight is going to pan out. 

We leave and get inside the Uber that's waiting for us, the decided that travelling together with Uber XL, I would've really preferred for Madge and I to just catch a normal Uber there together but no... apparently we all wanted to go together. I sit next to Madge who chats away with Delly who sits on the other side of her.

Delly joined the "friendship circle" about second last year of college. I wasn't a big fan on expending because at this point Johanna and Annie were enough but apparently we needed to go bigger. Delly was really nice and it was extremely hard to hate her, especially when we have some things in common, although she made me winded when she admitted that she hates going out and being in nature, that's when me liking her dialled down a little. Being one who loves nature, I work at Panems local environmental reserve, at our reserve, animals roam safely without being hunted and all sorts of plants grow without being pulled out and researched. Once she admitted that her favourite animal was a chihuahua, I almost fainted, not in a good way.

Johanna, she joined Madge and I when we first started college. Johanna is a lot like me sometimes which is why we but heads a lot of the time but she's a loyal friend and she hates when her friends are being bullied or anything like that in any way. She's also very blunt which hasn't worked much in her favour, that was until she met her boyfriend, Blight, who's just as blunt as she is and they have quite a disgusting affection for each other and they really don't care where they are.

Annie is the more shy and reserved out of the group but when she has to be, she's the one who tries to be reasonable when people are fighting, she does it a lot when Johanna and I fire verbal abuse to one another. Johanna introduced us to Annie over FaceTime, Jo and Annie were dorm roommates in college and when we met Annie after the first year of college ended, she had fit perfectly into our group and was easily liked when she did warm up to Madge and I.


"Take a shot with me!" Madge squeals from next to me

"I've hardly finished my margarita" I yell over the loud club music

"Exactly!" She replies ordering two voldka shots, shrugging, I clink our shot glasses together and down it, it burns my throat but I recover quickly, thanking all the college parties Madge and I had went to. Madge drags a moping Delly to the dance floor which I roll my eyes at and drink half of my drink without stopping for air, I let out a breath, immediately regretting my choice and result to sucking the salt that circles the rim of the glass. After ordering another shot I decide to join Madge on the dance floor, I eventually find her and the other girls and I join in with their moves

"Tell me your not having fun!" Madge yells over the music, all I can do is roll my eyes because I could never admit to her that I am indeed having fun. Halfway through the third song we were all dancing to, I decide to order another margarita which I drink rather slow

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