Hallucinogen (Part #2)

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Regret hit me as soon as I was inside. The room was not as cramped as I expected it to be. It was a private lounge room with plenty of open seating.

Four burly men stood in the room. One was situated at each corner. Three men and two women sat in a semi circle seat. The woman who had retrieved me sat with them.

I recognized Greg as one of the men.

The tallest of the men smiled sickeningly at me, "We heard someone wasn't having a good time. You turned down someone when they asked you to dance. That's very rude of you."

My stature remained straight, "Well, I didn't feel like dancing."

One of the women laughed, "That doesn't happen when we release the substance. Everyone feels better when they get some of our special concoction in their system."

Greg narrowed his eyes at me, "The question we have is how you are unaffected."

I clenched my jaw as the six of them glared me down. Their intimidation didn't bother me.

The third man stood and slowly stepped toward me, "The only people unaffected by the substance are those of us running this club. I doubt you got your hands on the antidote that wards off the affect."

Greg joined the man, "So who are you?"

"I told you. My name's Anada-"

Greg cut me off, "Yeah, I know that. I searched your name in our system. Someone must have done a good job, because you seem like a perfectly normal and average person. You are no harm at all."

The taller man crossed his arms, "But you're obviously not a nobody if you're still acting in your right mind after breathing the substance."

The woman who brought me in nodded towards the men in the four corners of the room. They converged upon me in a second. My arms were jerked behind my back. I was immediately forced to kneel down on my knees. The men held me in place.

My teammates were talking back and forth over the communicator. I couldn't say anything to them without truly giving myself away.

Neil quickly told me, "We have them recorded on the camera. I have the entire thing downloaded on my laptop. We have enough evidence."

"Get out of there.", Alex commanded.

I pulled against the men's grip, but I couldn't pull free due to the fact I didn't tap into my dragon strength. My hidden ability would come in use if and when I needed it. The element of surprise would work for me later.

Greg stepped up to me with an object in both of his palms, "In one hand, I have a knife. In my other hand is a syringe with the pure form of the substance we release into the air."

The taller man growled, "Tell us who you are working for."

"Not going to happen.", I hissed back, and then instantly cringed as one of the men holding me twisted my arm more.

Greg smiled from ear to ear, grasping the gleaming knife, "You'll be a human pin cushion when I'm done with you. It wasn't too long ago when I took care of that DEA agent. Now you're next."

"You murdered him in cold blood!"

There are some mission that I never dare shapeshift in front of people, but there are instances where it doesn't matter if I change into a dragon to fight the enemy. Right then was one of those instances.

Greg playfully twirled the knife in his hand then grasped it firmly. The silver blade gleamed in the room's lighting. He was about to take his first stab when I burst into my scales. The men holding me fell away in unison as my wings erupted from my back. A growl escaped my throat as I met Greg's eyes. He stared back in horror, but instantly regained himself, taking a stab at me.

Missions of a Dragon (An Anada Novela)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora