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Another mission ended successfully. We apprehended five drug smugglers who had been avoiding the law for years. They had done enough damage by selling the harmful substance. Now it was time to bring them to justice.

The leader out of the five men had a belligerent attitude. His remarks irked me as we waited for the local deputies to arrive. We only had four handcuffs so the team had to keep a close eye on them incase the last person without handcuffs made a break for it.

Neil had me beginning our report on the men's apprehension. I sat sideways in the Hummer's backseat. My feet dangled outside. The location of the letters on the laptop's keboard always confused me. Neil had been trying to teach me to type effectively, but I have never been good with electronics. I always ended up pecking at each letter.

As my attention was soley focused on the task, a commotion started up among the men. Before I could look up to see what was happening, a loud thump hit the Hummer. My head jerked up to the Westen grabbing the man who hadn't received handcuffs.

I shut the laptop and jumped out, "What happened?"

"Mister Smart Guy here pulled a fast one.", Westen hissed as he shoved the man back to where the other smugglers were sitting.

Right as Westen said this I turned to find Alex rubbing the back of his head while leaning against the Hummer. Elias was standing right by his side. Reina and Neil were there in an instant.

"Are you alright?" Elias asked our leader.

Alex kept his hand on the back of his skull, "Yeah, I think so."

Reina put her hand on his arm, "I saw it all happen. You hit your head pretty hard. We'll have to get someone to look at that."

Alex sent her a bewildered look and spoke slowly, "Who are you?"

Shock passed over Reina's face. We all knew Alex wasn't the type of person to joke around.

"You know who I am." Reina told him.

"No, I don't. Can you please tell me where I am?" Alex faced the rest of us while staring at the buildings near us.

Right as he finished his sentence, three patrol cars drove around the corner of the structure we were behind.

Neil motioned to Elias and I, "Don't let anyone see him like this. Westen and I will speak for Alex."

Elias pulled Alex away from the Hummer and lead him down an alleyway. I stayed close behind the two as we slipped out of sight. Once we were well away from the others, Elias told Alex to sit down.

"Okay, so no one answered my question. Where are we?" Alex repeated.

I sat beside him, "Don't you remember? We're in Greensboro. We came here a week ago to apprehend those drug smugglers."

Alex furrowed his eyebrows, "Oh, um, okay. So what's your names?"

Elias sent me a worried look before replying, "I'm Elias. She's Anada. You recruited us on your team this past year."

No sign of recognition passed through Alex. He continued to stare at us like strangers.

"What is your name?" The question came out of me before I stopped myself.

Please say Alexander Wilson...

Alex bit his lip and stared down in thought, "I- I don't know. It's fine though."

I slowly stood and stepped over to Elias. As Alex dazed off into space, the two of us walked a distance away from him.

"This isn't good at all." Elias eyed our leader.

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