Ch.28 [Filler arc Chapter]

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3rd Pov

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3rd Pov.

In a clothing store, on an island located within the new world, three women stood out as they were looking through the numerous selections of clothes.

One was beyond excited, grabbing everything she saw in her size.

Another was more interested in the accessories, like the sunglasses, and hats.

And the last one was standing in a corner, looking far from happy. Her eyes was narrowed down into a glare, and her arms were crossed as she leaned down against the wall behind her. She would occasionally run her fingers through her white hair, and brush it back in a messy gesture.

"Shinsa! Don't be such a downer and go look for something! You obviously need a wardrobe update seeing how all you wear are those dull colors with that odd symbol on the back!" Nami shouted at the women she dragged into shopping.

Shinsa felt her brow twitch in irritation. Sure if they were there for only a couple of minutes the Uchiha wouldn't have been as annoyed, however she was already stuck in the shop for more than 3 hours. There's were so many times where she contemplated leaving, but she had to remind herself that she promised to get along better with the crew that took her in.

Looking around the store, nothing appeased the women. After all, the shop they were in had much more scandalous materials than the Uchiha preferred. She was a warrior. A Kunoichi who had battled in war for most of her life. An Uchiha, growing up in a clan where dressing modesty was preferred. Therefore, tube tops, and booty shorts were something that brought great displeasure towards the women.

"Shinsa! Try this on!" Hearing Nami's voice, Shinsa looked up at the navigator who was holding some kind of romper. A romper with shorts that would barely go past her bottom, exposing her lower cheeks, as well as a deep v neck that wouldn't be enough to cover her chest.

Instantly, the women pictured how she would look fighting with such clothes, and a shiver of disgust raked throughout her body.

The humiliation would be far too severe for the Uchiha to handle.

"I'm leaving." Shinsa quickly declared and before Nami could protest, she flickered out from the store, and appeared on top of the roof of a store. From the looks of the people going in and out, it looked like she landed on some kind of dessert shop.

'I'm tempted to just go and buy as much sweets as I can, however, this island has been giving me such an odd feeling.' Shinsa thought to herself as she quietly landed in front of the shop. She took a moment to look through the windows to see just what kind of sweets the shop sold, and instantly stopped in her tracks. Her face almost showed the distaste she felt.

'Hard candies. Disgusting'

Just as she was about to use the body flicker technique to go towards the direction of the ship, a voice stopped her.

"Shinsa-samaaaaaa!!!" Hearing this annoying voice, Shinsa turned around to look down at the male who was running at her.

[as an apology for not updating for a while, I spent a lot more time and detail on Shinsa

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[as an apology for not updating for a while, I spent a lot more time and detail on Shinsa.]
"Ah! When you look down at me like that, my heart feels as if it's going to burst!" The blonde cook sung out with hearts replacing his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Shinsa cut him off coldly, not wanting to listen to him fawning over her. If she didn't stop him now, Sanji could ramble about her looks for hours which did well to annoy the Uchiha.

Instantly Sanji straightened himself up once he felt the change in demeanor of the person in front of him. Despite the cook waning nothing more than to gush over the Uchiha, he knew not to push it with Shinsa. Unlike Robin, and Nami, Sanji actually was a little intimidated by the women.

"I was heading towards Nami-San, and Robin-chan, but I saw you here, and so I decided to come! Here, I bought you some Dango since it's your favorite~" Sanji danced around the women before getting down on one knee, and holding out the box of dessert for her.

Shinsa's brow twitch, the sweet smell instantly entering her nose, and her gloved hand reached for the box. A part of her was wary since the smell was so familiar. A little too familiar for regular Dango.

"Thank you, Sanji." Shinsa said, which caused the cook to let out a choked noise, and nearly fall backwards. The women chose to ignore him, and took a bite out of the still hot dango. At first, she chewed slowly, trying to determine if anything was wrong with it. It wasn't until her third round of chewing that she knew just why this particular Dango tasted so familiar.

"Hey..." Shinsa trailed off, a dark look over coming her.


"Where did you buy this?" Shinsa finished, trying to stay calm and rational.

"Is it that good? I found a small rest shop in the forest when I was heading into town! It was in that direction-!" The second Sanji's finger pointed into the direction he was speaking about, Shinsa's blade poofed into existence, and righted itself in her grasp.

With her left hand, she pulled off her cloak, leaving her in a dark gray sleeveless turtleneck, and black spandex leggings.

"If I'm not back by the time we need to leave, just leave me." Shinsa declaration made Sanji widen his eyes, not comprehending what was happening before him. She threw her cloak in his direction, not wanting to waste any chakra in sealing it. The fact that she knew that Sanji would throw down his life to keep it in perfect condition made her more willing to leave it with him.

Now facing the direction where this supposed dango shop was, Shinsa squatted down, and shot her self forward, taking off as fast as she could.

There was a wave of hot air that was left behind where the white haired Kunoichi once stood, along with a cook that looked absolutely frazzled.


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