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Shinsa's Pov.

"I just heard a huge crash from far off. I wonder if that was Sanji and the others..." Luffy questioned. I only now tuned into the conversation, since I was occupied changing into the clothes I had summoned from my scroll.

"Hey crocotaur, are you sure you don't know where our crewmates are?" Zoro asked the huge beast we were riding on.

"Be silent. I will not speak of anything." He snapped.

"Fine, be that way. Just run!!" Luffy ordered.

"Such humiliation! Lousy youngsters..." the centaur grumbled. "You vicious bandits!!" He spat.

"This man-odile's got some attitude problems." Zoro said.

"How can you be cold if only don't have any skin, Brook?" Usopp asked.

"It's a mental thing!" Brook shouted.

"I feel so sorry for the others who were kidnapped. They weren't wearing warm clothes either. I hope they haven't lost any limbs to frost bite." Robin commented.

"Stop that!" Usopp snapped. "Anyways..." he started turning to me.


"No one has questioned it yet, but it's just too suspicious! What was the blue light surrounding your hand when you were fighting the dragon?! Also how can you manipulate water yet you're not a devil fruit user?!" Usopp snapped while pointing a finger at me. This seemed to catch the attention of the crew, and even the crocotaur, or as Zoro called it.

"Yeah! I wanna know too!" Luffy shouted. I let a noise of annoyance, beginning to dislike the nosiness of the crew.

"None of your business. I'm not obliged to tell you guys anything about me. If you have a problem, go ahead and kick me off the crew. I can easily go and find one that won't ask pointless questions." I said while glaring at the long nosed male. And I was serious about it too. I wasn't planning on staying here forever, and I was going to wipe these fools of their memories of myself, so there was no point in trying to make bonds with them, or giving them information on myself.

"Why you-!" Usopp was cut off by Zoro grabbing his arm. When he looked at him, Zoro merely shook his head causing Usopp to return my glare. I narrowed my eyes even more and he gave out a scared yelp, turning away. Crossing my arms, I turned my attention away from them.

"Hey, it's you!! I remember you!!" Luffy's shout ended the silence between us, and I opened my eyes to see what he was looking at. "It's me, man!! Thanks for your help that one time!!!" Luffy shouted while waving at a man with a long coat, a spotted hat.

"That's the guy we met at the Sabaody's slave auction, right?" Zoro asked. Slave auction? What kind of twisted realm is this place?

"It's Trafalgar law. And these days, he's a..." Robin trailed off but Luffy interrupted her.

"Yeah, him! Tra... Traffa... Traffy! I remember now. He helped me escape during Whitebeard's War... and healed me too!!" Luffy said.

"Healed you?" Robin asked and Luffy nodded.

"Yeah. He's like Jimbei. I owe him my life!! I'd never thought I'd run into you here! This is awesome! Thanks for all the help you gave me!! Huh? Where's the talking bear?" Luffy asked but wasn't answered. It seemed that this Trafalgar person was observing all of us, and when his eyes landed on me, they narrowed even more which confused me. There was no way he knows me, so why was he staring at me like that?

Luffy jumped off of the crocotaur and headed to the silent man.

"You're a strong man to have survived that, Mugiwara. But let me make this clear... I was acting on a sudden whim. You don't need to feel any gratitude for what I did." The man replied. I'll just call him Law.

"Hey, there's navy sailors on the ground over there." Usopp said while pointing at the ground. "Actually... is that...?" He trailed off after recognizing the white haired unconscious male.

"You and I are both pirates. Don't forget that." Law said with a serious expression.

"Hee Hee! True, in our search for the one piece we're enemies... but there are a lot of people I owe for their help two years ago. I'm also lucky I met both you and Jimbei!! Thanks a ton, really!!" Luffy said with a smile.

"SMOKER!!!" A voice screamed catching our attention.

"Crap... the Navy?! Huh? Wait, isn't that-?" Luffy turned around, instantly recognizing the women who ran up to them. The man on the floor seemed to be named Smoker than.

"Watch out, Luffy! It's the navy!!" Usopp warned.

"I know." Luffy replied while fixing his hat.

"Smoker!!!" The women shouted again while kneeling down towards the unconscious male.

"It is you Smokey!! Wow, I haven't seen you guys in ages!!" Luffy shouted while waving. The girl didn't answer him as she stared down at the man. Were they lovers or something? Why is she crying when he's clearly alive?

"How dare you!!!" She screamed while charging at Law.

"Come on... let's not get overly emotional. I hate that." Law said while lifting his hand up. All of a sudden, two pink hearts popped out of the two Navy soldiers hearts. Law flipped his fingers, and the women fell to the ground unconscious.

"Tashigi!!!" A soldier screamed.

"Damn, not again!!" Another shouted while readying his weapons.

"And Smokey's already knocked out!!" A third soldier commented.

"What did he just do...?" Zoro questioned to himself.

"You just don't learn women. Don't get so desperate." Law commented with a glare. It seemed her actions disgusted him.

"Hurry Luffy! We gotta get outta here!!" Usopp screamed.

"Yeah! Hey, Traffy! I wanna ask you something!!" Luffy shouted while running to us.

"Go around the back of the lab... You'll find what you're seeking there. I'm sure we'll meet again. We each have something to regain." Law said while going back into the lab. Luffy stretched his arm to us, and each of us grabbed it with one hand.

"Let's put some distance between us and the navy Luffy." Usopp said.

"I wonder if Smokey and his guys are all right! It kinda looked like they were losing to Traffy!" Luffy said as he flew towards us. Quickly running away from the Navy, we began to head to the back of the lab.

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