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3rd Pov

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3rd Pov.

Caesar dragged the limp form of Shinsa through the factory. His face formed in complete anger and annoyance at the fact that someone was able to injure him this much. He knew he wasn't strong, but the poison he created was. She should have been dead, but her body was fighting it off. What unsettled him even more was the fact that she was able to fight perfectly fine, despite the fact that he removed the air in the area. She was a dangerous person, and he was lucky the poison managed to even effect her a bit.

"Monet." Caesar called towards the women who was writing in a book.

"Who's that?." The green haired women observed.

"I have no clue. I'm assuming she's apart of the Straw Hats. Although, I'm almost certain I would have known if there was such a beauty on their crew..." Caesar trailed off with a perverted expression.

"She may be a new addition to the crew." Monet reasoned while taking off her glasses. Caesar grinned liking the new idea.

"When we fought, she couldn't use Haki, but she could somehow create sea water, rendering my devil fruit useless! I could make a better Pacifista than that damned Vega Punk!! Monet, lock her up with sea prison stone. Also prepare the cage for the straw hats. I'm going to get them, including the traitor, Law!!" Caesar said to his assistant.

"Of course." Monet responded and went to the unconscious women's form. She bent down, and put Shinsa on her back, and smirked. "So this is what it looks like to be even more beautiful than the most beautiful women in land, Boa Hancock. How interesting. I'll have to tell Joker about this." Monet said with an evil gleam in her eyes, and she began to chain Shinsa up.

[Time Skip]

A man who recently arrived at the Island, who also happened to be a Vice Admiral walked into the room that had Law, Luffy, Smoker, Robin, Franky and Tashigi all chained, and locked into a cage.

"What is Caesar starting here?!" the man demanded to the bird-women assistant.

"Who knows? The fact that he's woken up Smiley, his pet... would suggest he's about to launch a big experiment, wouldn't you think?" Monet suggested. The man sat down on a couch with furrowed brows. "Did you have a hamburger for breakfast today, Vergo?" Monet asked while facing the man.

"How did you know? It's my favorite." he asked.

"You've got a little leftover on your cheek..." Monet replied with an amused smile.

"I'd love to observe the experiment... Everyone outside will die?" Vergo asked.

"Probably, but your safe inside the lab." Monet assured, angering a certain the other Vice admiral.

"Hey, Vergo!! Those are G-5 men out there!! Your soldiers!!" Smoker, who was in the body of Tashigi screamed. He was absolutely furious.

"Right, Good point... This is quite the lineup of faces... To see all in one cell. It's a nice view." Vergo said while standing up, and eating the meat that was stuck to his face,

"Makes you think of the old days, doesn't it? Stuck in the same cell..." Robin said,

"Oh yeah! You guys had me and Smokey captured in Alabasta!" Luffy remembered with a grin

"All of you, shut up!!" Smoker screamed.

"Smoker! How am I supposed to process this awful emotion?!" Tashigi questioned with a pained expression.

"Your worst fears have been confirmed. Caesar's abduction of those kids... was covered up and labeled a "Sailing accident". And the mastermind was the very head of our base? True, it seems fitting for G-5...but it makes a mockery of our military honor." Smoker said with a frown.

"I don't blame you for not noticing. Vergo hasn't suddenly gone turncoat on the navy. He's a pirate, through and through. He enlisted on Joker's orders before he made a name for himself Fifteen years of service have carried him through the ranks. There isn't a more useful and trustworthy sailor in Joker's employ. He's been Joker's man from the very start!!" Law explained shocking both Tashigi and Smoker.

"Joker... the name of  black market broker... I'm disgusted with myself. How could I have failed to pick up the stench... of a sewer rat right under my very nose?!" Smoker demanded.

"Why don't you stow the disappointment and instead find admiration for the clever rat who avoided the hunter's sharp gaze, Smoker? From the day you were transferred to the base from HQ... I've been on high alert. You have no idea how happy I am knowing that I'm finally free from that crushing stress. And you know what it means that my secret identity has been revealed to you, right?" Vergo asked, but was answered with silence. "I will ensure your silence by seeing to it that you die here, Vice admiral Smoker and Captain Tashigi... Your men outside will be given to Caesar for his plans. But don't worry, it'll go into the books as an accident like always." Vergo explained.

"Hey Traffy, I got a question. Who's this Joker you keep talking about?" Luffy asked towards the man who was next to him.

"There was a time... when I worked for him... That's how I know Vergo. But "Joker" is only his underground alias." Law started causing those who don't know to snap their attention towards him in shock, which included Smoker and Tashigi. "In reality, he's a pirate known throughout the world. One of the Seven Warlords of the sea...Don Quixote Doflamingo!!!" Law finished.

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