He nods, sighing as he flashes his flashlight at us. "Yeah, so sit tight kids. We'll fix everything up." He says before leaving the flashlight there, pointing it upward so it could reflect around.

I sigh, shaking my head as I took a seat. Elbows on knees, I buried my face in my hands as the people inside of the train talk about what is happening.

"I can't believe this, I got my daughter here."

"I have to get home, it's Thanksgiving and I promise to be home for my family."

"Well shit, guess no crap for me."

"Damn, now my plans are thrown out the window. Goodbye ID channel and Doritos."

I ignore them, hoping that they'll fix the train soon so we can get out of here. I badly wanted to get home, to see Ezra and lay down beside him.

He was the someone to my somebody.

The someone I look forward to coming home to, it was always him.

Hours later, we were shivering and freezing. The temperature must've drop since we were underground, but it didn't change the fact that we didn't even move.

I was wide awake with the other guy, the one with dark clothing. The man with the suit has been nodding off, probably wanting to stay up. The lady with the girl has fallen asleep, cradling her daughter in her arms to keep her warm. Demi has curled up in her seat, her head leaning against the window as she sleeps. She shivers, it was bloody cold.

I sigh, rubbing my hands together and blowing some air into them. So, so cold and it's not even winter yet.

I couldn't bare it anymore as I watch Demi shiver from the cold, I shrug off my leather jacket and stood up. I shuffle over to her and laid my jacket over her, she sighs in content and snuggles more into my jacket.

I smile before returning back to my seat, at least I had two sweaters on, a shirt and some jeans with those man leggings to cover me for the cold. Heavy duty boots were covering my feet, keeping them warm.

I rub my arms as I look around, still hoping we'll get a move on soon.

A half and hour or so later, the train turns on again and the lights flicker on again, I sigh in relief as everyone woke up, finally glad that we're moving again. As the train moves again, Demi hands me back my leather jacket.

"Thank you, but you seriously didn't need to do that. I was fine." She says as I chuckle, but hold my hand up to stop her from giving my jacket back.

"You were shivering, you weren't fine. Just keep it, the next time you see me in the cafe, you can hand it back but in the mean time, keep it." I say, smiling at her as she gives me a worried look.

"Are you sure? But you could get cold-" I cut her off.

"I'll be alright, I'm a man anyway." I say and puff out my chest to get a laugh out of her. She giggles and I smile as she slips the leather jacket over her coat.

As the train comes to a stop, we sighed as we came to the next station. Standing up, I waved at Demi as we went up the stairs. She waved back, smiling that small smile of hers.

I smiled to myself, shoving my hands in my pockets I walk down the sidewalk to my apartment. It was only three blocks away, I could walk that.

I heard footsteps behind me, thinking that it was just someone passing by I let it slide.

Someone suddenly grab me by the arm, pushing me up against the wall and holding a knife to my neck. My eyes widened, oh hell no. Don't tell me I just got jumped.

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