Chapter 36

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Lance's POV~

" FORM VOLTRON! "   I screamed, but didn't scream. It wasn't actually me, it was this' Shiro ' person. We all suddenly turned into...Voltron. I felt cold, a gust of wind whooshing behind me.' I am now in the black lion. We must fight as one, and this will be our last time being up here before we can all go home. ' I nodded happily, trying to remember Earth life...

" They have formed Voltron high priestess, what is our next course of action? " asked one of the galrans." Continue fire from here, Sendak and I will search for our best commanders to face them, with my own super weapon.." He raspy voice sending shivers done my spine." Their own super weapon..? " Allura questioned with fear. Dread crawled up my spine, my heart sinking lower in doubt. Minutes later, ships started coming in from all parts of the galaxy. Small figures flew out of each and every one of them. This made an uneasy feeling build up in my stomach. " Come, for we will fight our final battle, and today will be the last day of Voltron. " Haggars voice echoed out into space. I think she wants us to know what she's doing, cause if she's trying to keep a secret, she's doing a really bad job at it.

" Why are we just sitting here!? " One of the commanders asked obviously impatient. " We are going to be accompanied by others."She spat out quickly. We continued to fight off the drones, thinking of who would be helping the galra. A random worm hole opens up, A flouting pyramid coming out of it. " Uhm Allura... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!? " Pidge exclaimed in confused fear. " Oriand... " She whispered quietly. " What is that? " Keith questioned. " A place were alteans go and learn of ancient alchemy. " She answered, still somewhat shocked. " YesYesThatsGreat, But look AT Oriand please. " Pidge said, pointing at her lions window. Silver metal people with some sort of weapon, their front shield is a violet purple. Then A black one flew in front of them, it had blades surrounding it. " Your time has come, Voltron. " Sendak called.

~ time skip, Keiths POV~

These little sliver fucks are already too difficult to beat, I can't even imagine what it's going to be like fighting Haggar and Sendak. One of the Sliver robots middle began to open, a pitch black hole. Two others charged at us, this is insanely unfair!  " Guys, I don't think  we can fight alone! " Hunk mentioned. Pidge grunted," Agreed. "  " Coran and I will do our best to help! We will call in other parts of the coalition! " Allura informed us. We all thanked her and continued battle. " Fuck shit nuggets, man! We need to get as many members of the coalition as possible, cause we can no longer fight alone anymore! " Lance screamed." Yea, fuck shit nuggets! Shit's difficult! " Pidge spoke out." Language... " Shiro said quietly in our minds. " Oh come on, we're fighting for our lives here, and you're going to tell me about' Language?! ' " said a pouty Pidge. Lance clapped his hands," Chop chop, we got war goin' on alright? We can't let our guards down! As much as I want to join in this crazy conversation about saying ' fuck shit nuggets ' I'm also trying to save the universe. " Lance said, blasting us all backwards, away from an ion canons beam. 

" I'm opening the worm holes now! " Coran said. We all looked outside, multiple worm holes are open, and when I say multiple, I mean like hundreds. Now this is a more even battle. " Alright team, we might need to land at planets to take each and every one of these down, but we can do it! For Voltron! "

" For Voltron!! "

Chapter Thirty six:End...

Eyyyyy first chapter of 2019. I like how I wanted to end this book before the school year started but nah man that obviously didnt happen. So I was thinking
1. Make a high School AU named
" Lover Boy "
with any gay ship out there that include lance-
2. Make a future klance named
" Universl Lovers "
Where they rule the Galra, a random new species comes up, voltron is needed again, you'll figure out more later.
3. Make Langst one-shots

4. Make a leakira AU

5.  singer AU

6. Dance AU

Please comment which one, I'm suffering otherwise trying to think of which one to do.

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