Chapter 16

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Keith's POV~

Mine and Lance's faces get closer to each other. Lance moves my hands out of the way, I want to speak, but its like I can't?! We close our eyes and our lips meet, whats happening? Is it weird to say that Lance's lips are the softest thing that I have every felt, Wait... I just realized... that this it a kiss! Okay so... My Crush... Just kissed me... okay then. We open our eyes and stare into each others eyes," Do-Don't be sad... " Lance says to me softly. I cup his face in my hands," Lets keep our hopes up, we'll get out of here, I know it. " I say to him, he nodded and grabs my hand. He got up and went over to where  I set our jacked up armor. " Well this stuff... looks dead " He said with a groggy voice. " Yeah, All systems are down so we can't really contact the castle or any of our team, but they'll come soon so-" I was cut of by Lance who seemed ticked off," They don't even give a damn about us. " he said bluntly. I've never heard him speak that way about anyone. " If they cared, they would have heard Shiro... and told him... no, But the team and the castle... did Nothing to stop that... mother flucker" Lance said as he sat down, did I not just say keep our spirits up? " Yeah, true... "

~ time skip because I'm a freaking bum ~

Lance's POV~

Keith fell asleep, great. Though that is a good thing, for He won't flip out when I do what I'm about to do. I grab I small piece of metal that had fallen with us when knock off Shiro thought we where toys. I ripped open the tight suit and cut deep** enough where as soon as I took out the metal, blood would spew everywhere. I continued my way of letting my feelings out, the sleeves as ripped apart," that'll do...for now... " I sighed and threw the metal," I'll be back with you... in a matter...of time" I looked at it sorrowfully, blood all over it. I went over to Keith and sat there, and I began to...sing?

" You se---e me now,
Wo--ndering how,
I beca-me such a fool.
I've been calling your name,
But you slowly fade,
Is thi--s how its supposed to- be?
Its been so long,
But I still remember this song,
Just so you can hear its beauty.
Every thing floats,
If you just leave me,
I'll be fine,
Just crying in agony."

I lean against a wall," I feel like I'm blind ...down here! " I whispered. I got bored and walked in circles trying to think of a way to get out of this torture hole. " If only Hunk or Pidge where here, oh wait ....never mind, they don't... actually care. " I hissed as I continued to walk in circles. I start to get tired so I Lay down next to Keith and go to sleep.

chapter sixteen: End... 

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