chapter 32

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Lance's POV~

I was snuggled up into my blankets and sheets when I felt a big pair of hands wrap around me. They were warm and gave the,' nice 'vibe. I trusted them, and wrapped one arm around their neck. " I'm taking you to Keith, okay?" They said to me." Okay...Thank you " I softly said. I heard a small chuckle," No need to thank me. " they said. After a little bit we came to a stop, my eyes were closed but I felt others eyes on me. I was laid down with Keith, I can tell by his touch." Were going to stop that galra shit. " said a female, or Pidge I believe.

It's a lot warmer here, the cell Keith and I used to live in was freezing. I like it here. As I fall deeper into slumber a voice gets louder. It sounds familiar, too familiar.


" That's me Shiro! "

Me and Keith stared at each other." You were talking with shiro too?" " Yeah, first it was that dream were we came back here, but that was more like a vision. But now we're talking to shiro who seems as if he's just in our heads. " Keith said gesturing his temple. I nodded," this is quite confusing... " I mumbled.

I sat up and Keith rested his head on my shoulder. I lightly lay my head on his," Sing me a song... " Keith politely asked." Hmm...okay. " I chuckled.

"Let's see... "
" I am a robo-ot,
Heart made of steal.
I'm not human,
I have no tea-ars.
You fought so hard,
With your strength,
And your hear-rt.
So if we fight once more,
We will succeed,
With our love,
Oh I hope..."( me and my foreshadowing )
Keith was fast asleep." Thank goodness. " I lightly lay him down." I have to do this, I'm sorry... " I smile sorrowfully. I pull out my piece of metal from a year ago from my pocket and walk to some place that's isolated from all of these people. I start walking when I hear," Hey Lance, gonna take a shower? " with the galra, the water is either boiling where the hairs on my body would be fringed off or freezing to the point I got frost bite." Will It hurt...?" I asked quietly." What? No! Showers are usually relaxing, especially when the water hits your back in the right spot, WOO IT FEELS GOOD!" She was female, and she had a heavy accent, it's Princess Allura of Planet Altea. Or just Allura, that's what she prefers." Oh. okay!" I smiled. I didn't know what else to do except smile, so I guess it's the right thing to do for now.

Once I get the water just right, I let the warm water fall onto my back, letting it trace the many scars on my back. I began to feel strange about Allura, I do not know why, but I feel at if I had been betrayed in the past, or used for purposes I was, am, not comfortable with.

" Why do I feel strange with Allura all of a sudden? "

" who is shiro? "

" Why does the blue lions aura feel oh so familiar? "

" Why am I really here? "

"  Where is my real family? "

" Why are there tears coming from my face...? "

Then it hit me. I'm missing memories from the past. I know they are there, but I cannot seem to get them to come back. Or maybe, I am just tired, and need rest. Yeah that's probably it. I let the water hit my face for just a few minutes before I turned it off. I looked through the closets in the bathrooms. They're huge, and there is a lot more privacy than with the galra. Even though there are many clothes, they all seem too big except for the women's clothing, and I doubt anyone would like to see me in that, too ugly for em'. But I don't really have a choice, I already put my original clothes in this thingy which took my clothes to the laundry( look I forgot how to English, Spanish getting me screwed the fuck up ) room.

" Man forget it!" I fussed giving up on finding small enough men's clothing. I just grabbed a navy blue sweater with flower designs on the sleeves, and some shorts which were too small so I just tucked in the sweater and left the bathroom frustrated.

Once I got back to Keith I put my face onto his chest, and on que, he wrapped his arms around me and softly mumbled my name. I just chuckled and went closed my eyes.

" War awaits us... "

Chapter thirty two:End...

So you're probably confused," why is princess Allura acting so nice to Lance?" WELP GOOD QUESTION, AND IF YOU WEREN'T ASKING

So Allura is acting kind because
1) she knows that the two have been through so much through thay past year they were missing.
2) she figured out along the way that in war, there is no time to discourage those who may seem under your level, and to respect all.
3) she wants all of the paladins to live a happy life, and after reading the suicide note lance had left a million, she felt terrible and regret everything she had ever done.

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