chapter 8

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3rd person POV~

Today was Lance's due date, or more like time to wake up and eat man day. Every one ran inside the room and stood in front of his pod.  It opened up and keith over here, being a spicy little thing pushed every one out the way so he could catch Lance is his arms. Lance's eyes fluttered open," huh... " he said weakly. Before Lance could really regain his balance, Allura over here Pinned him to a wall forcefully, he groaned in pain from the slam," YOU IDIOT, WHY, JUST WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! " she spat in his face, he squeezed his eyes shut." I'm sorry Pri-princess but I- " he was cut off by Ms.Imascreaminyourface," DON'T YOU" OH IM SORRY PRINCESS " ME, YOU... YOU WEAK PIECE OF  EARTH SHIT!" She stormed off and Lance fell to the floor. Keith was pretty much pissed off by now and for some reason had the urge to absolutely murder somthing, oh yeah probably cause Ms.Imascreaminyourface was acting like a piece of Garbage to some one hurting so much to where they tried to hurt them self. As much as Keith wanted to stab Allura in the heart, he ran to Lance. Lance was at the verge of Breaking, but at the same time, he was just about frozen. He felt like he couldn't move," nce... Lance... LANCE! " Lance could hear his name being called, but he didnt want to respond, he was scared. " Pidge! please, relax, would you not be shook after you get pretty much attacked by the person who sorta forced you to be here?!" Keith screamed. Pidge nodded," good point " she said as she looked at hunk and Coran, of course they were crying and wanted to hug Lance but nope I guess that's no longer an option as to Keith glaring at Any one who got close, even shiro." I'm okay " said a quite, coughing  lance, Keith let every one else get a little closer," you're not okay Lance, don't lie... " Shiro said." He's right, its no good to lie " Coran said sweetly. Lance shook his head slowly," no really, im Okay " his voice cracked, Lance looked at everyone," but I have a question... " Lance spoke out, they all listened." How come im no good... " He looked at the paladins and The beautiful altean," Shiro is our amazing leader, Keith Helps our leader in planning attacks and stuff like that, Pidge hacks into Galran tech and saves our butts, hunk goes on missions to help defeat the Galra empire, Coran Helps Guide the ship, and Allura..." he stopped as a tear rolled down his face ,but then he went on with his sentence," Allura helps us in missions and helps us train to be stronger... So what, where, and who... am I? " he then finished. Everyone sat in shock, No one knew Lance could be so, sentimental. Keith Looked at Lance sorrowfully. Lance's puples were big, that usually happened when there was something wrong with him, but no one else knew that except Keith and Coran." Come here red and blue Paladins" Coran motioned them to another room. Coran sat Lance down and got him in a blanket.  They both sat in front of Lance." Really, Im okay! theres no need to be worried! " He said teary. Keith went up to Lance and pulled up his sleeve, his cuts were gone, but his physical appearance, he looked even worse now then before." Coran, what happened to him! " Keith said ushering Coran over to Lance, He saw that Lance had looked like someone had beaten him or something.

To be continued

Chapter eight: End...

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