chapter 30

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Keith's POV~

I looked up with a smile, it hurt to smile though. It hurt cause I knew Lance was hurting. It hurt because I did not feel happiness. It hurt because they have to see what me and Lance truly are. Weak. I am weak. Weaker than anyone. Anything. " Keith I- " Pidge started with tears already threatening to spill. " No no, it's fine, but can I have a hug? Please..." I asked trying not to sound oh so desperate for a simple embrace. " FRICK YEAH YOU CAN BUDDY! " Hunk said pretty much bouncing of the other side of the couch and hugging me tightly. " Man hunk, you usually never say cuss words, YOU BARELY EVEN SAY FRICK" Pidge said waving her arms in the air. " ... It was necessary. " Hunk said with sass. Pidge gasped," Did you just sass me mister...? " Pidge said in awe." Maybe, maybe not. " Hunk giggled.  It got silent, but that immediately turned into laughter. " Ah, it's been too long since I have laughed oh so hard. Thank you! "  I let go of Hunk and sat down crossing my legs," Let me tell you what the fuck happened. "

3rd person POV~

Lance and Keith were being taken up by Lotor, to be honest they just didn't give a shit at this point. They just wanted it all to end, they just wanted to be saved. That was all they desired. They knew they would never get that dream to come true.

No matter what.

" Lance, Keith, come here, I must show you something!" Lotor called. Lance and Keith walked in with their torn purple shirts and black under suits. " Come a little closer... " Lotor practically begged. Keith was cautious, what would happen to them? Lance looked down, and proceeded with fright. " HURRY! "  Lotor shouted. Lance shook, he nearly ran to Lotor. " Y-Yes sir? " Lance asked terrified. " So that's what'll get you to do what I ask, interesting... " Lotor mumbled. Keith heard quite well, but Lance couldn't hear a word. " WHAT?! " Keith asked. Lance began to shake. He didn't like yelling. That meant he did something. " Stay. " Lotor said getting up. Lotor grabbed Keith by the collar of the shredded shirt. He tossed Keith on the bed with ease." KEITH I- " Lance was hushed by Lotor throwing him on the bed along side Keith. 


Lance was slapped across the face.

( Some weird shit, not gonna lie, I don't even know what I'm doing here. Not smut, but its defiantly close to it, so no like, no read ) 

 " WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! " Keith questioned angered. Next thing Keith knew, Lotor was kissing him and undressing him of his already uncomfortable clothing. " S-STOP IT, PLEASE! " Lance snarled with the most angry voice he could muster. Lotor glared at Lance, he just stared at Lotor in fear for his dear Keith. Lotor made his way over to Lance," I hope this'll shut you up, you useless slut! " Lotor grabbed the bottom of Lance's mouth and heavily made out with him. Lance couldn't escape him.

Hours later they were undressed and on the floor panting. Their backs were bloody due to the whip being slapped against their backs. " NOW BACK TO YOU ROOM! " Lotor growled. But they couldn't, they could barely breathe. " It-It hurts... " Lance whispered. Lotor kicked Lance until he was out the door," YOU'LL BE FIGHTING THE GLADIATOR TOMORROW! " he yelled throwing Keith out the doors and slamming them. " We'll be okay, I hope... "

" We hope... "

chapter thirty: End...


sorry for a short chapter and the wait, like I said school is kicking mY ASS.

hope you guys liked the chapter I'm really trying I swear     

Deep Blue~ Klance Fanifiction, VLD ~ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें