chapter 11

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As they saw the door slide open,  they saw something. It was unable to be identified but they saw something in Keith's bed." Keith, go over there, look at it " Pidge whispered. Keith brought out his stabby stabby knife and walked up to his bed slowly, only to find someone in slumber. He pulled the blanket down slightly, and what he saw made him blush. He slowly tucked the person back in bed and walked over to the rest of them." There's defiantly something there... " Keith said. They all looked at him weird, then there was her corner...snickering. Keith's face was as red as the red lion it's self. " well what's over there?" Shiro said a little annoyed. Pidge got tired of waiting so she went up to the bed, yanked the blanket off and pointed at Lance sleeping like a young child. " This is whats in Keith's bed!" Pidge whisper yelled. They all looked at Keith, the tomato. Lance curled up, cold he made a whimper like sound, literally They all just flipped around and looked at Keith with snicker. Now Keith the tomato on the other hand, is literally the red lion himself( He's a transformer, he went from Keith Kogane to a random lion in the middle of space ). He saw that Lance was uncomfortable, he wasn't himself. Keith stared at Lance,' did someone break Lance...?' Keith thought as the team was kinda just waved their hands in his face. Keith looked at every one, every one seemed to be giggling, but Shiro had this devilish look on his face. Keith was a little freaked out but this is Shiro, what could he possibly want to do to Lance? Keith grabbed the blanket and put it back on Lance, You could see Lance's toes wiggle. " Can Y'all get out? " Keith said frustrated. Allura nodded and ushered every one else out the room. Keith locked the elevator like doors( You know cause like, they slide ok ) and turned back around to Lance. He didn't look as well as when they had first got to space. He looked happy, healthy, much better then now. It like he was a completely different person. Keith sat on the bed," Whats the matter Lance... " Keith said as he brushed Lance's hair with his fingers. Keith then realized that who knows what pidge could be doing behind the door, or if she was even there. Keith got up and whispered," Sleep well... " and with that Keith kissed his forehead and left Lance to sleep.  He walked to Lance's room, he had no clue what he was doing though. As he walked he kept asking himself why he was going that way. He opened the door and all he saw was a mess, most of his clothes were on the floor, his blankets all messed up." What the... did a tornado come in here?! " he said picking up some of Lance's shirts. He started to smell something weird, it smelt like an old band aid or something. Keith sniffed around and realized the smell was pretty much every where, on his clothes, blankets, but it was mostly from Lance's bathroom. Keith walked to the bathroom, he stood in front of the door. He smelt this gross smell and noticed it was noting from Altea... it was blood...

Chapter eleven: ended...

 I feel like this chapter is short, longer ones will come out in the future, anyways here is where most of these triggers will be going off. but without further a do, Knife boi cutting out!

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