Chapter 35

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Hunks POV~

" We've come to take back Lotors killers! "

Wait, but we don't have Lotors killers, I mean Lance did- Lance is the killer." Lance buddy, it's okay, we wont let them take you or Keith, okay? Calm down. " I looked at the screen to find my best friends hyperventilating, sweating and crying. " H-Hey..don't worry, we'll save you if you get hurt, or if they try to take you. " Pidge jumped in. " So are you just going to sit there or fight? " Allura asked. "FIGHT! " Lance all of a sudden screamed. " Who ever my opponent is, if they try to take Keith from me again, I WILL FIGHT THEM! " Lance yelled.

" Who are you and why do you want us back!? " Lance asked. Even though he seems so tough and so strong, he's just scared and wants everyone to be safe. That's a good person to have by your side. " This is commander Sendak accompanied by haggar the witch. " Oh no, isn't she one of those like, super strong galra evil people?" STAY BACK YOU PURPLE FURRY! " Keith flipped him off." YEAH, STAY AWAY TRICKY WITCH BITCH! " Lance did the same. What kind of names are those? My confusion for some reason turned into happiness which caused me to laugh." What's a furry- you know what, I'm not even going to finish. Send out the troops! " Sendak yelled at another galra purple grape thing in the background. I've always thought the galra looked like grapes. 

These troops are very advanced, its hard to keep up with these things! Lance wont leave Keith's side for nothing, which I would think it was cute if I actually had time to think cause we're under attack by freaking super sonic ultra super powerful galran peeps!" Face it Voltron, without your leader, you're nothing!"  " He's right! You are all weak now that he has left us, EACH AN EVERY ONE OF YOU!" This behavior is quite unusual for the princess.

Time skip brought to you by me fucking help/

Lance's POV~

Why are these so difficult to fight off?!  Allura's not helping, she just keep handing out insults! Keith is in danger! I cant take this mess any longer!" ALLURA SHUT YOUR TRAP. HUNK, HEAD SOUTH THE GET THE DRONES FLYING IN FROM THERE, PIDGE HEAD NORTH, KEITH AND I WILL SWIFTLY, YET SAFELY, CONQUER EAST AND WEST." I spewed out orders." I Beg your pardon?! IM THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHAT A REAL PALADIN IS!" She held her hand over her mouth." S-so..we are-aren't real fighters..? " Pidge asked quietly." W-Wait no- I- I didn't mean it. "
Are you fucking playing me?

You have called me names.

You have used me.

You have insulted me.

And now you insult our title.

I all of a sudden lose control, it all fading into darkness.

" Princess, it is I, Shiro. My soul has lied inside of Lance's body, I passed away. I understand you're upset and concerned, but you can't take it out on the paladins of voltron, please, stop this. "


" IM REAL, I WANT TO BE REAL, I HAVE TO BE FUCKING REAL, PLEASE..LET ME BE REAL." Keith cried pulling his hair. " And you are love, but we have to fight or neither of us will be!" I told him. He nodded," Alright team, we're a little weak cause we cannot form voltron, but that can't and won't stop us. We've come this far, we can go farther! " multiple agreements were heard in the coms, even the Princess. I'm glad that she has come to here sences.

" Lance, you may be able to form voltron, with out a pilot. " Allura said having little confusion laced in her voice. I'm a little confused as I look in the corner of my eye. There I see, black blasting drones here and there. I smiled," Thank you for your support Princess Allura of Planet Altea. " not noticing I called her by her full title.

" Are you getting tired yet? The green and yellow lions actions have become more sluggish, the blue, red, and black seem to be in top shape! " One of the galra soldiers yelled. " Keep sending drones out there, their energy will die out sooner or later " Haggar commanded." Yes high priestess, vrepit sa! " they said hitting a few buttons.

I feel so bad for the others, it is my fault they are here." Green paladin, how are you holding up, same for the yellow paladin?" I asked." Well, I'm tired. Especially my arms, they hurt a lot. Yellow?" Pidge said." Same boat as green. " we don't have time," EVERYONE IN FORMATION! " all the lions began to fly upwards in sync


chapter thirty five:End...

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