chapter 13

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3rd person POV~

Keith and Lance land their lions under the base and activated the cloaking devise. The two carve out a hole on the bottom of the base, they would find ro beasts and guards every so often that every foot step they heard besides their own would tick them off. " Blue paladin to green and yellow paladin, the red paladin and I have made it into the base. How are you holding up out side?" Lance said into the mic. " Yellow paladin to Blue paladin, we are holding up just fine, the green paladin is now scanning the base and sending you the concordats." Hunk said in reply. Lance and Keith thanked them and received the concatenates a second later. They started running when a clump of ro beasts come running at them," Oh wha-t the cheese man!?" Lance whisper shouted in anger. Keith couldn't stop thinking about Lance, the  poison, Then what he wrote, all the blood in his bathroom, he was very shook. Keith wasn't even paying attention to the fact that they were kinda in a battle," OI, LOOK OUT " Lance shouted. Keith snapped back as Lance leaped in front of him shooting all over the place. " Go to the closest ion canon, and I'll meet you there! " Lance said serious. Keith nodded and started running, thankfully there were only like 10 left so it wasn't as bad as before. Keith looked back to see Lance hovering over with his jet pack," Yo space cadet, why were you so in the zone a second ago? "' Lance asked. Keith shrugged and lied saying he didn't remember, but it was all ingrained in his mind. Lance gave a crusty dusty smile and the two flew into the room of the first ion canon's energy source. " Alright! Keith, scan the right side of the catwalk, I'll scan the left." Lance said, Keith agreed and they hover over the long walk while scanning its mass and form. Keith and Lance fly down and slowly start taking things apart," This box got like a million little things up in here!" Lance complained, Keith laughed and continued to slowly rip things out of it. " Blue paladin to Black paladin, we have founded one ion canon " Lance said into the mic." Black paladin to Blue paladin, I'm almost there " Shiro said in such a deep voice it even startled Keith a bit. Then footsteps where heard, heavy footsteps. Keith and Lance flipped around activating their bayards. It was Shiro running to them, they were happy to see him at first but got scared when he activated not his bayard and not his robot arm.( This is foreshadowing I was talking about in chapter 7 )" I'm here now... " Shiro laughed this wicked laugh." Just stay focused on disabling things, I'll cover you! "  Lance said to Keith, then Keith went back to breaking down the canon. The thing is that the canon was almost ready to be fired, so this had to be down quickly. It didn't take long before Not Shiro and Lance's bayards were at each other's necks, Shiro slowly started cutting the tan boys flesh, blood dripped. " I honestly thought I had to come up with a plan to kill you off, but turns out I don't need to, you're too weak for the team Lance McClain." Not Shiro said as he threw Lance off the cat walk, Then threw Keith." No need for weaklings Lance! " Not Shiro said fixing the box. 

Chapter thirteen: End...       

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