quick message

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You may have noticed that im re writing this already, 

thats because i just really wasnt feeling the story line of Abi being bullied and it emotionally scaring her. i guess in my head it just really doesn't fit with the character of Abi i have in my head. And i just really can't relate. 

the words dont flow as easily with that storyline as they did with LOAA. which is why ive changed this book slightly. it's exactly the same storyline and everything to be honest, all thats changed is why she's depressed and kind of her emotions i guess. 

it's flowing hell of a lot easier now. 

And thank you guys for all your supportive messages about me being ill :) i'm actually hell of a lot better now, i have energy again and i'm no longer passing out every 5 minutes so i'm feeling great and it means a lot that so many of you cared enough to message me about it <3

love you guys!! 



Watching from the sideline (LOAA sequel) ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang