" BITCH I SMELL PIZZA!" Pidge bounded into the kitchen, and Matt was behind her.

" Score." Her older brother said happily. The siblings both paused when they saw Klance in the kitchen. Pidge made a tiny noise, fangirling. They were so adorable.

Lance slowly set Keith down, being careful with him. He let the shorter boy rest his cheek on his chest as they stood there.

" Hey, guys." Lance greeted, but then took notice of the fact that Matt was dressed up for something. Like... actually dressed up. He had on khakis and a short sleeved, peach colored button up shirt. " Woah... are you going somewhere?" He asked, and Matt stole the smallest piece of pizza he could find. Shiro might've had a bird if he found out he was spoiling his dinner.

" He's going on a date~" Pidge chirped and looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

" Where?" Keith questioned, wondering what kind of place would warrant that sort of dress up.

" Shiro is taking me and Adam out to Olkari Steakhouse for the night." Matt blushed, taking a bite of his pizza and seeming giddy.

" Seriously?!" Lance pouted. " That place is so nice and expensive and-"

" Jealous much?" Keith chimed in, and Lance ruffled his hair.

" It should be interesting." Pidge kept smirking at her brother. She couldn't have been more excited that they were all going on an official date, and not just proclaiming they were together. " If you let Shiro get drunk again... there's no telling where it might go~"

" Ew." Keith covered his mouth. Thinking about his brother in that position wasn't exactly in Keith's best interest. He'd tease the living shit out of Shiro for it, yeah, but actually picturing it was a no no. He shook the thoughts away.

Matt gasped.

" Just be sure you all are safe." Lance winked.

" Make sure to tell me what happens..." Pidge chuckled. " I still can't figure out if Adam is a top or a bottom, so maybe you could enlighten me."

" Shut up shut up shut up!" Matt whined, covering his ears.

" Ahem." Shiro cleared his throat from the doorway. Adam was tucked against his side, and they seemed to be waiting for Matt. Matt hid the remaining pizza behind himself and chuckled nervously. Hunk's pizza was just so divine that he couldn't help himself.

Pidge saw that her brother was in a pickle, and inconspicuously snatched it from him. Boom. Problem solved.

" You coming?" Shiro asked Matt, smiling.

" Ooo~" Lance antagonized. " What kind of c-"

Keith covered his boyfriend's mouth as Matt went ahead and met them out there. He tagged along until Shiro grasped his hand.

" Don't wait up!" Shiro called over his shoulder.

" Wasn't planning on it!" Keith yelled after them, and after that, the front door closed.

" He's so getting fucked." Pidge chuckled, eating more pizza.


Keith and Lance were in the basement, content with a bowl of popcorn and Kosmo at their feet. Lance had an arm draped over Keith, acting as the big spoon while the two laid there. The movie playing in the back was a comedy, being that neither of them were in the mood for horror. That was a first for Keith, but he was enjoying himself nonetheless.

Keith ate some popcorn and snuggled back against his boyfriend. There was just something about being in Lance's arms, something that he couldn't get over. He made Keith feel safe, and like nothing could get him. Hell, Lance had killed for him, and that said something.

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