Coma {part 2:disband}

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BTS Park Jia in a coma!
The girl is reported to be in a coma as of the moment, the girl hit her head hard after collapsing. No one knows when she will wake up! We pray for the safety of the girl.


Namjoon's POV

"Family of Park Jia?"I stood up.
"H-her parents aren't here, I'm a member of the group she's in."I told the doctor and he nods.
"Please follow me sir.."We head towards her room and we stop right outside it.
"I'm afraid to tell you, Jia-ssi is in a coma and I don't know when she'll wake up."I breath hitched and tears started to form.
"As you know she collapsed and when she hit the floor..her head followed and hit the floor too hard." The doctor explains.
"She may wake up at anytime but we don't know when." The doctor pats my back.
"I'll get going, you can enter her room at most 2 people at a time.." The doctor walks away and I finally break down.

I'm sorry Ji, I failed you as a leader..


"Hyung! How is she?" Taehyung approached me and I held my tears back.
The boys looked all looked at me.
"S-she is in a c-coma."I drop my head and cried.
"W-what?"Jungkook looked shocked, he couldn't believe it.
"H-hyung! Is it true?" Jimin asked and I nod.
"I-I don't know when she'll wake up.." I broke down again and Jin-hyung immediately pulled me in a hug. All of us are now crying.
"We can e-enter her room, 2 at a time.." I managed to say with much difficulty.
"Me and Tae will go in..." Jimin announced.


Jimin' POV

I took a deep breath, holding Taehyung's hand, we enter her room.

Our hearts seemed to stop...

On the hospital bed lying there was Jia looking lifeless and...


Taehyung released a strangled sob and hugged her waist.
The room was filled with Taehyung's sobs and the beeping of the machines.
I cried silently, dropping on my knees and holding onto her hand tightly.

I'm sorry that our anger got the best of us...


Jin's POV

Jungkook held onto my hand tightly as we entered the room. Jimin and Taehyung and sobbing and they exit the room once they saw us.

"H-hyung..." Jungkook struggled to breath once he saw the female. I comforted him and calmed him down enough to approach the girl.

"I'm sorry Ji.."Jungkook sobbed and hugged the girl.
I covered my mouth and cried.

I'm sorry Ji...


Hoseok's POV

Me and Namjoon entered the room once Jungkook and Jin-hyung exit.

There she was, lying there looking peaceful yet...


Namjoon was sobbing but I just stared at her blankly.
I didn't know what I was feeling at that moment.


I didn't notice the tears that were flowing down my cheeks.

We disappointed you Ji...


3rd person

It was Yoongi's turn.
He chose to go alone.
He waned to be alone with the girl he loved.
The girl he cherishes so much.

He entered the room and sat by her side. He held her cold hands and sighed. He struggled to breath and see but he didn't care about himself at the moment. The tears that blurred his visions and the pain that engulfed his heart...

It hurts...

He looked as lifeless as the girl.
He regrets everything.

I'm sorry..


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