Plan and Luna

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It was cold evening and it was raining. You took your squad as Luna's squad secured the river, her mercenaries coming by the rope they secured and your mercenaries being in the barrels as they took them in the castle. As Ruvolie soldiers were celebrating queen's lost getting all drunk you've strike'd while they were drunk. You've killed a watch out of the two soldiers as the rest of your group helped out Luna's squad. 

You thought everything was going on fine but then there was a group of strange creatures. Demons? And one soldier was their leader? With other soldiers from Ruvolie.

"So you are that woman huh?"

"So you are that pig huh?"

You've said as you prepared to attack him.

"Women should not hold a sword! You should've hold a something more delicate! Bhahahah!"

" Bastard."

Arthur was waiting a signal with his mercenaries. Queen's soldiers were fighting the Ruvolier's soldiers as he waited for them to retreat, then they would've killed the rest of them.

Arthur: Come on Your name.. we need that signal....

You've rushed out as one of the demons attacked you and punched you hard. You fell hitting the wall in the process.

Luna watched you as you fought.

"I ll kill you in your sleep if you try to kill me."

She remembered your cold threatening words. But yet again, something with you was really familiar...

She then helped you out as she killed one of the demons with arrow. Strangely they die like normal humans.


You had a grin on your face as you stood up. You ordered your squad to light up that beacon as you fight off those creatures.

You killed two of them with help of Luna, and then that man stayed alive.

"You cannot kill me! I am one of the strongest one here with my family having best skills for thousands of years be--"

And one of your soldiers knocked him off.

Your name: Nice one Ayato.

Ayato: He was annoying as fuck Silver.

Arthur saw a light from the beacon and the flag. When Ruvolie soldiers saw a Queen's flag on the castle they started retreating. 

"How is this possible?!"


Arthur: Let's do this!!! Attack!!!

Soldier 1: What?! Red Hawkes?

Soldier 2: WHAT IN THE HELL--

And thus Arthur and his squad slaughtered them all.

Luna threw you your sword back.

Luna: Stupid bitch don't ever do that again.

Your name: Seems someone likes me.

Luna: I don't like you. Arthur just needs you.

Your name: Nice excuse you've got here.

Luna: Shut up and help me out!

Your name: Aye aye your highness.

Your name: Thanks for the help. You really saved my ass back there.

Luna's heart was beating fast, she even blushed at your remark, familiar with warm feeling and shrugged it off.

Luna: I didn't do it for you. Now stop talking.

You laughed it out.

Ayato: What are we going to do with this scum?

Ayato kicked tied up commander.

Your name: I have a plan. But also take the armor of Ruvolie soldiers. We ll need this assshole.

Ayato: As you wish.

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