Silver Wing

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"You sure like to sleep don't ya?!"

"Sigh just 5 more minutes!!"

"Cmon Lazy Your name. GET YOUR ASS UP. WORK!"

You've opened your eyes. You were laying on the ground near your friends. Your sword always there, and them always there for you too. Three of you were solo mercenaries. You've had a long sword on your back and they had shield and arrows. You were really strong.

You got into town wearing some stuff you took from dead soldiers in order to sell them. As you walked by, you saw one of the mercenaries groups, and the boss there which everyone knew or wanted to work for him, but not you. He offered you a job few times but you rejected.

As you walked you greeted the boss walking away, with your helmet on. Your hair color and eyes where visible as you had long sword with you, with your small form making people look at you.

Arthur: Who is that?

Boss: Just a warrior worth of respect.

Arthur: Warrior?

Boss: She saved my people last time we fought. And helped out, not even asking for a pay.

Arthur: She?

Boss: Yes. Not many female warriors are as her. Strong one indeed.

Arthur: What's her name?

Boss: I .. uh... don't recall.. some call her Silver wing. 

Arthur: Silver wing huh?

Boss: Many men want her. But none stand a chance.

Arthur: I see. But we should prepare boss. In the morning we fight.

Boss: Yes ma boy.

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