Ole Blue's garage n' diner

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"WAKE UP HICK!" The young grubby man called out all the while not taking a drunken eye off the old Chevy. 

not hearing a response from his sleeping assistant, he saw no point loosing his voice shouting and decided to take action.

Waving his spanner around like a magic wand, he squinted his eyes and hurled it clumsily through the air. He smirked upon hearing a satisfying 'clonk' "Bullseye for the bullshit" He muttered whilst swinging  off the old ladder and down onto the oily concrete floor.

 not giving his questionable method a second thought as he sauntered over to the girl and drew the blinds up letting the scorching summer sun evade the rusty garage. 

"ssst jesus Henley" The girl hissed as she rubbed her head. Then confusedly staring down at the spanner that lay next to her, she glared up at her assailant who just stared down at her with the same bemused smirk he always wore.

 "You know, for a drunk you don't have all that bad of an aim." She growled to the ravenette who let a amused scoff pass through his lips at the comment. 

Whilst brushing off her blue overalls the e/c eyed girl grabbed a jug of cold coffee that sat beside her and quickly, as if it where a lifeline, downed the whole thing. This did not shock James Henley at all, it was a familiar occurrence with the both of them. working constant shifts in 'ol Blues garage n' diner' had them strung up on coffee and camels cigarettes (well camels in James's case). 

"For a drunk I know how to not over sleep" He quipped back polishing an old pipe seemingly uninterested which earned a big eye roll from his assistant.

"Hey watchit Shmuck" 

He hummed in response at the slightly younger girls annoyed tone and discarded the now barely polished pipe in a big pile of mismatching car parts, deeming it clean- as he often did.

After a moment of silence she looked up at the the broken clock with a sigh "What time is it?"

"Time you got a watch, fleabag." Henley said 'cleverly' as he thought.

"Haha funny Henley, very funny. You tell ya friends that one?" The Girl said flatly, moving towards the Double doors of the Diner "Well if it's any help your ma was askin ole Blue where the hell you were"

"Where I was?! Is It that late already?!  Jesus, whyd you not wake me up earlier?! Oh God she'll get the broom out at this rate!! I'll be made Into boot polish!"

The girl howled whilst marching through the Red and blue Diner with the Significantly taller mechanic tailing close behind, he hadn't bothered holding back his wolfish grin.

"Yea, ole blue had to put the phone down to let her rant it out. She didn't know a thing." He stated bemusedly recalling the muffled sound of Ms L/n cursing.

"'Y/n- That girl! She gon' be the death of me! 19 and she's still doesn't look at the clock! I'm getting grey hairs here Blue!" He imitated in a nasally high pitched voice. Some regular customers nodded and chuckled making Y/n Panic all the more.

"Oh god! Blue pass over my bag would ya?" The old man snorted shaking his head as he handed  over the leather bag.

"Thanks Boss!" She yelled. Waving her hands behind her, bag in hand as she ran to the ladies room.

"I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late! Ma is gonna kill me!" She hissed desperately ripping of her grubby overalls and under garments not caring where they landed. Then she turned to the mirror and jumped letting out a squeak.


Black oil.

All over!

"CASSIE!!" The girl cried.

Within seconds, Cassie Henley the diners Waitress ran in like a knight in shining armour, immediately getting her hair care products and makeup from out of her handbag. Hurriedly,  the kind middle aged woman began to clean young Y/n's face as the girl put on a baby blue dress that poofed out at the sides (in Y/n's opinion she thought was highly Impractical) 

"Oh Mrs Henley! I don't wan't to go!" Y/n whined as she pulled shear stockings up her legs clipping them in carefully.

 "Oh come on you look stunning!" The waitress cooed making the final touches to Y/n's now curled H/c hair.

"I feel like a fruitcake!" She exclaimed waving her hands around crazily but the lady shushed her reaching Into her bag. This made Y/n panic further. "Here we just need a little red lipstick!"

"No-" Y/n was soon silenced by the woman and sat still, angrily glancing at the door as she heard Henley laughing outside with the others. Doofus.

"You look like a dame! a diamond! Oh you've grown up!" Cassie cried out, tearing up slightly 

"I remember when you was just a small kid! running around here covered in whipped cream, now your going to this party all dolled up and stunning Oh lord I'm tearin' up!"

"Thanks Cassie" Was all Y/n said Fearing that if she said anything else the waitress would burst Into a fit of sobs.

"Now go show the boys what ya look like!" Oh no... Thought the girl but she had no time to ponder on her distressed thoughts as she was pushed Into the diner, all laughing and talking died down almost immediately as she walked over to the counter. The a painful silence made Y/n wince, did she really look that bad? "You sure do clean up nice missy!" someone shouted from the booths and then without warning applause and hoots filled the air.

 Y/n hid her beet red face with her hands as they clapped. She had grown up with these guys, they where like her family and now even some of the most stoic truckers in the room had tears in their eyes.

But glancing at the working Diners clock she tensed she only had 4 minutes until the party started and she was supposed to be there early to help set up... Sensing the young girls tenseness Cassie ushered her away out towards the fast cars.

 "There's no way you'll be cyclin' there, You're gettin' a lift from Jim!" 

"No-" Again Y/n was cut off and she huffed 


"Yea? what's up ma?" Henley said Not looking up from the magazine he held in his hand, he was on his break. Clearly not bothered. "You're takin' Y/n to the party!" and with that she left, He looked up meaning to protest but sighed realising she was already gone.

Then his grey eyes boredly turned to the girl he was to take to the the party. Expecting the usual  mess of H/c hair and oil smudged face the mechanic nearly choked, his eyes widened to saucers and the unlit cigarette that had sat lazily between his lips fell into a puddle with a plonk making Y/n laugh slightly.

"Wha-" He quickly cleared his throat, catching himself as he returned to his usual smirk.

"Look who got all dolled up- I think you got some grease left on your face though" He said, very amused when She started to frantically rub her nose. 

Realising Henley was bluffing Y/n shot him a glare and hastily got into his grey mustang.

"Just drive Jimmy boy"

"Sure thing, Doll face"



"h- Do you ever get a hair cut?"

"Do you ever shut up?"

"You're an Idiot"


"w-OH we only have 2 minutes! STEP ON IT!"

"Now you speak my language!"

200 years later and I'm still stuck with you (Fallout x reader x characters)Where stories live. Discover now