Chapter 1

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I was strolling down the aisle towards my lovely husband who was standing at the alter. This was a dream come true. I finally found someone who loved me for me.

"Do you take Ty Banks to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister questioned. My soon to be husband blue eyes shifted down to me with a small smirk on his lovely face.

"I object." I heard someone say. I gasped. Oh my god.

"Dad, mom what the hell." My husband said.

I turned around to see a faceless man and woman standing up among the pool of people. The sight was a fright. I was about to say something but was cut short.

"Oh shut the fuck up." Bewilderment and panic conquered. Soon enough I was in my bedroom wrapped in covers.

"Who you talking to?"

"I said shut up you dick!"

"You and these attitudes need to go."

"Well everyone isn't a morning person like you."

I sighed. Another one of my wonderful dreams ruined by these two.

"Hey can you guys shut the fuck up, I was sleeping." I groaned out pulling the covers over my head.

Suddenly, I felt someone climb into my bed, removing the covers from my face. I was now face to face with my best friend Camren Thorn. She gave me a sheepish smile. She played many roles in my life. She was like a sister,a mother and I was grateful to have her presence even if she is highly annoying at times.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." She said as she snuggled up next to me as I laid my head on her breast. Camren was the type of woman you could cuddle with all night with her plump figure and soft cooper skin.

"But you do have to get up for school." I smiled.

"So you just going to lay down with her when we suppose to be getting ready?" I looked up to see my other best friend Rade. His hazel eyes staring intently into my own. Rade has a very outgoing, dominant, and sometimes annoying personality. But besides being a bit of a whore, he is everything I could have asked for in a best friend.

"Fuck off." Carmen said.

"Um, no. I'm not into threesomes. But since we skipping school move over." He proceeded to jump into the bed cuddling next to me while wrapping his strong arms around me. His lean muscular body pressed against me making me a bit breathless. He began to play in my messy curls that surround my face, causing me to play in Camren's curls.

"You guys come on. We can't miss anymore days." They both sighed but only Camren got up leaving to get ready.

I tried to get up but was pulled right back down. Our faces were a bit too close for my liking. He threw me a stunning smile making me almost choke.

"So no good morning kiss." He said licking his lips. Those words and the sight of that had me frozen. Then when I was able to process his words I punched him in the stomach only for me to cry out in pain. He was rock hard. Rade let out a throaty laugh. I jumped up blushing furiously.

"Fuck you. Now get up so we can go."

"Hmm, don't act like you actually want to go to school. You just want to see your boyfriend. " he said smiling although it was a hint of disgust in his tone.

"Don't make me ban you from my house." I said annoyed. He let out another I laugh.

"Like that's going to stop me from coming. "

"I don't like you Rade. " I said walking out the room.

"But you love me though."

"Do I?" I threw back at him. Rade displayed a mock hurt expression.

"That's mean. Just mean. " he muttered.


Once we arrived at school we all parted. Camren had human anatomy for her first class block. Rade and I had AP English, but he always took time before class to socialize with his other "friend girls".

Rade has always been well known and wanted around school for his optimistic personality and sexual tendencies even if this was a mostly caucasian school. A lot of people found Rade appealing and he wasn't ashamed of being part African American. But sometimes the hate that Rade, Camren and I received can be a bit much. Especially since we are the only African Americans at this school. It's harder for Camren because unlike Rade and I she is a fully African American. But I see so much beauty in her that it saddens me that people would shame us just because of our pigment.

"Hey babe." I looked up to see my 6ft boyfriend, Jayshun Thompson, towering over my 5'3 stature. His blue eyes bored into my brown ones.

"Hey." I said as I wrapped my arms around him feeling my cheeks flush a bit at the feeling of his taunt muscles.

"I missed you." he whispered as he moved my curls from my face as I simultaneously moved his messy dirty blonde hair from his own. His pink lips began descend upon my own and our lips slightly touched.

"And here I thought my best friend was so innocent. "

I jumped from my boyfriends hold turning to see who was the rude intruder interrupting my kiss. Rade filled my vision and anger blossomed inside of me causing me to swing at him. He easily ducked it resulting in my rage boiling even hotter.

"Dude can we get some privacy. " Jayshun said in an annoyed voice. Suddenly the bell rang and a smile spread across Rade's face.

"I'm sorry it seems like class is starting, but I want you to keep in mind that this is a public school not a private one." Jay stood there throwing daggers at my best friend with his eyes.

"Look I'll be right behind you. Just go." Rade just shrugged and walked off without another word. Sighing I turned around and my boyfriend stood there with a scowl planted on his face.

"I don't like him. I don't even get why you are friends with him." He spoke with so much frustration and that just fueled my anger. People don't get the relationship Rade and I have. Saying that I don't get offensive by these things would be a lie. Sarcasm is something I always have trouble controlling in these situations.

"Really, because I don't understand why I still haven't met your parents, yet."

"Babe, I just want the time to be right. I'm sorry I didn't bring you over like I said I was last Saturday. "

"I don't want apologies Jay. It's been three years. How much longer will you need?" I said infuriated. The lies he was feeding me was becoming tiresome.

"Look I don't want to fight with you about this Ty." He said trying to avoid the topic like always.

"Like always. "I whispered as my voice broke. Containing my tears was becoming very hard now. Why do I feel like I'm being hid, locked away from sight. What's wrong with me to the point where he doesn't want me to meet them? I began to walk off.

"Ty.... Come here. I'm sorry babe. Look at me.... I said look at me Ty." I was tugged back forced to look at his worried blue eyes as I tried to hide the tears that were now flowing freely. He sighed and embraced me in a very tight hug making me breathless.

"Let's try tonight OK? And I swear to god I'm serious this time. I'll come get you at 8. I have to go now. Love you." He gave me a chaste kiss and hurried off to class. I let out a deep breath.

"Don't get you hopes up Ty. It's a reason he has been putting this off." a voice said.

"Don't start." I said as I began to walk to class. And Rade fell into step next to me. Ms. Barnes will not be happy with out tardiness once again.

"I'm just saying. It's been three years and his parents have no clue that you even exist." He had a valid point, and I hated it.

"Yeah I know " I whispered because my tighten throat only aloud little sound to escape.

"Ty, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make you sad but hoping leads to hurting." He said with a hard a expression

"I know." We walked in class and began our day.

Kinda a boring start, but hey I hope you still enjoyed it. Please vote and leave a comment. Thanks for the support. Love you guys lots!

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