Chapter 7

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I awoke. I awoke and the feeling that engulfed me was like death was looming over me, patiently waiting for my head to explode decorating my room with my very own brains and blood as wall art. I know, I know.  It sounds super sick and twisted. That's exactly how I feel in this moment.

Slowly I sat up in my bed with a throbbing head. The urge to spill my guts where I sat was forgotten when suddenly my door busted open. Cherry, Daniel, Chris, Camren... and Rade walked in singing Happy Birthday. I smiled at them as they finished the song.

"Thanks guys. I would get up and hug you but I'm afraid I will throw up on ya." I said sheepishly.

"I'll get some Tylenol." Daniel said.

"No she just needs to rehydrate, get some food in her belly and get some more rest." Camren reassured everyone.

"So that means you're cooking?" Rade asked excitedly. We all laughed except for Cherry. She seemed really out of it since she came in my room.

"Yes. I have to cook breakfast for my birthday girl. Now, can you guys be gentlemen and wait for us downstairs. We need to talk." They all gave her a pout but complied. Yet, before Rade left the room, he came over to give me a very awkward hug. Suddenly his lips were at my ears.

"Can we talk later?" He whispered causing me to shiver. I didn't trust myself to speak, I just nodded my head yes.

"Ok, Cam hurry down. I'm starving." Chris said and her gave her a wink as he closed my bedroom door. Poor Camren began to internally melt as a blush blossomed on her cheeks.

"He was definitely talking about starving from the lack of pussy you're giving him." Cherry said bluntly. Camren looked back, shocked by her words.

"Cherry please, he was talking about f-food." She adorably stuttered.

"Sure. Didn't you guys sleep in the same room last night? I mean that's new." I gasped and looked at my best friend who held an embarrassed expression. I was probably looking like a gaping fish, but I didn't care. Her sleeping in a bed with any dude is crazy. I mean, yeah she sleeps in the bed with me and Rade, but I'm in the middle separating them. We are just close like that.

"We just got really drunk and things got out of hand, but we didn't have sex. We just ended up crashing in a bed together." She said biting her lower lip.

"Sure." Cherry and I said in an union. I do believe her though. She wasn't ready for sex and that was understandable. I wasn't really thrilled on having sex neither.

"Anyways wassup with you?" I directed towards Cherry. She in return gave me a confused expression.

"You just seemed pissed off and just out of it." I continued.

"It's nothing Ty." She said trying to brush it off.

"Ok let's not lie here. She is upset that Daniel  brought someone home last night." Camren said with disgust.

"What the fuck." I whispered astonished. The room was silent for awhile as no one uttered a word. The worst was that Cherry didn't deny it right away even though I know she would like if pushed.

"Are you ok?" I questioned breaking the silence. She rolled her green eyes at me with a snort.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" She questioned a bit defensively. I held my hands up in surrender.

"I just want my tough girl to be alright. If you need to talk to us then you can." I said sincerely as I looked into her troubled eyes.

" Yeah, I gotcha. Thanks." She replied.

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