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Sandshadow: *padding through StarClan*

Fallen Leaves: *jumps out of nowhere, scaring Sandshadow and yells* HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDSHADOW!!

Sandshadow: GAHHH!!!! *jumps, startled* Oh, thank you? *calms down a little*

Fallen Leaves: Hollyleaf is coming with your present so just wait a little bit. *sits down, smiling like a Cheshire cat*

Sandshadow: O-okay? *sits down across from Fallen Leaves, eyeing him cautiously*

Hollyleaf: *can hear her faint voice* Oh come on slow poke! *thud* There, keep moving, fox-dung!!!

Sandshadow: *stares at Fallen Leaves questionably*

Fallen Leaves: *Ears somewhat flatten in embaressment* Sorry bout her...

Hollyleaf: *crashes into the clearing with a handsome black tom* HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDSHADOW!!! *shoves the tom towards me*

Tom: Uh.... H-hi?

Sandshadow: What the heck. Who are you? And why are you my present?!?! *draws ears back a little*

Tom: Umm, I'm Shadowclaws. And I do not know why I am your present... that she-cat wouldn't tell me. *flicks tail towards Hollyleaf*

Sandshadow: *groans* Hollyleaf! Why did you bring him!!! *frowns at Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves*

Hollyleaf: We thought that you could use a mate! So we brought you one!! *grins happily*

Fallen Leaves: *nods head eagerly*

Shadowclaws: Well.... you can't do that. We don't even know each other.

Sandshadow: Yeah. You can't just... put us together. You probably only chose him because he also has Shadow in his name.

Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves: *nods heads quickly, still happy*

Sandshadow: *sighs* Do you know how to get back to where you came from?

Shadowclaws: No I don't... *hangs head a little and tail droops*

Sandshadow: Well... I'll take you to some of the ShadowClan cats and they can see you to wherever you came from.

Shadowclaws: Okay. *starts to follow Sandshadow*


Shadowclaws: Well... bye....

Sandshadow: *whispers shyly* Bye...

Shadowclaws: *runs tail along Sandshadow's spine* I hope we'll meet again... *turns away and starts walking* Bye!

Sandshadow: *sighs dreamily*

Hollyleaf: *creeps out of a bush* YOU LIKE HIM!! KNEW IT!!!

Sandshadow: *jumps* WHAT?!?!? NO I DO NOT!! I don't even know where he's from! If he's alive or not!

Hollyleaf: Oh, forgot to tell you, he's dead, like us, but he's from the Dark Forest.


Hollyleaf: *shrugs* I dunno. *pads away*

Sandshadow: *sighs* Well that was interesting....

(A/N- OK, so this is going to be the ending chapter.... :( I want to work more on my art and focus for school and make some different stories. I won't close this story as finished, because it is not. I am going to keep it ongoing, so I can make holiday specials and stuff. I got new art supplies and I'm really happy and excited to use them. I'll also, once I've actually drawn some, post some of my drawings in the media for my stories. Right now I own NOTHING in the media. But hopefully that will change! Thank you again for being the best and inspiring me to make this story, I love ya'll! You can still ask questions just I may include them in a holiday special, so I am not really ending the story, just putting it on paws. (hehe get it?) Once I get a deviant art or whatever, I'll give you guys the link so you can see my Hollyleaf, Fallen Leaves artwork. I'm excited to share them with you! 

Again, thank you for making this a fun, creative story! Couldn't have done it without you!)

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