Psycho Lover

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Hollyleaf8412 asked: Fallen Leaves, what would you do if the tunnels caved in, (when you and Hollyleaf were still alive) and it was Hollyleaf's chance to escape, but if you helped her get out you would never EVER see her again. (Not even in death) What would you do, leave her to die and be with you or, help her escape and never be with her again? 

Fallen Leaves: Uhhhhhhhh..... ummmm....

Hollyleaf: *paws his back* Why do you keep breaking?!

Fallen Leaves: *stares hard at paws* I.... don't know. Give me a minute to think.

Hollyleaf: *stares intently at him*

~~~1 HOUR LATER~~~

Hollyleaf: *looks around* Umm Fallen Leaves isn't present at the moment. 


Hollyleaf: *stares straight at you* Fallen Leaves is still not present.


Fallen Leaves: Okay. I have my answer. *climbs down giant oak tree and lands next to Hollyleaf*

Hollyleaf: FINALLY!

Fallen Leaves: I would let her go. As long as she's somewhere safe, and is happy, I am happy. I would miss her dearly and would have probably had doubts about letting her go. BUT I would know that she wouldn't desperately be trying to escape from me. I'm not some super psycho lover. 

Hollyleaf: Dawww! *tilts head to the side* That was so deep and cute!

Fallen Leaves: Alrighty! ASK MORE QUESTIONS!!

(Me- for a second I forgot how to spell questions!)

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