My Other Tribe

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Hollyleaf8412 asked: When you lived with your Tribe/Group of cats, were you mates with anyone there? And for Hollyleaf what do you regret most about your life? 

Fallen Leaves: No, I didn't have a mate, but I really looked up to our Stoneteller, Half Moon. She was always there for me, even though I did love my mother dearly.

Hollyleaf: Aw, that's cute. *flicks tail teasingly* Alright for my question the answer would be killing Ashfur. I feel horrible that I killed him because he threatened to tell the other cats when I announced it at a gathering. But, in StarClan I got to apologize to him and now we are friends! *purrs* 

Fallen Leaves: Wow Hollyleaf, I never knew you were so bad-ass. *purrs in amusement* 

Hollyleaf: *gives a few embarrassed licks to chest fur* Well... I was scared that... *sighs* it's a long story. 

Fallen Leaves: That's alright *winds around Hollyleaf's body purring* Well, since we have time for one more question, we might as well add in PhantomxWolf's question. 

PhantomxWolf asked: Hollyleaf what would you do if you had your own prophecy?

Hollyleaf: I would be very excited and happy at first, then I would get weighed down from the responsibility of it. Like what happened to Dovewing. But, it would be cool to have powers like my brothers and cousin.

Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf: ASK MORE QUESTIONS!! *smiles warmly*

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