Clan Choosing?

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Bronzekitty asked: Hollyleaf, if you could be in any Clan, what Clan and why?

Hollyleaf: I think that's easy. THUNDERCLAN!!!

Fallen Leaves: *snorts and rolls eyes*  Of course you would pick your birth Clan. But why?

Hollyleaf: Because they are loyal, powerful, respected but in battle feared, and they are kind to Clan's in need.

Fallen Leaves: I'd pick this 'so called' WindClan.

Hollyleaf: *scrunches noise* Ew! Rabbit-breath! Get away from me!

Fallen Leaves: Hey! They don't seem that bad! *jumps on Hollyleaf, pinning her to the ground* Now you can smell my rabbit breath all you want! *smiles in triumph while leaning down, close to Hollyleaf's muzzle*

Hollyleaf: *sniffs* No. You smell like.... stale fish and mice. And of course leaves.

Fallen Leaves: *stands up* What? I smell like leaves? *twirls around, trying to catch own scent* 

Hollyleaf: Yeah. I think I do too. Climbing oak trees isn't good when you don't like the scent of it.

Fallen Leaves: *smiles a goofy smile* WE SMELL LIKE OUR NAMES! *XD* 

Hollyleaf: Well... for me, not really...

Fallen Leaves: Then your new name is Oak Leaves. 

Hollyleaf: *purrs* I am honored to have that name.

Fallen Leaves: So, Oak Leaves, do you want to say it? Or should I?

Hollyleaf: I'll say it. ASK MORE QUESTIONS!!! XD

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