*Aimee smiles*

Aimee: "I actually was planning on doing that, if he didn't accept my feelings, it would have been fun too, but on the bright side. I'm always kidnapping him during the Holidays, but this time we're handcuffed to each other for life."

*Anthony smiles while blushing*

Author: "This person asked about your well being and about you going to work, this was during the break also. The person asked 'How is Aimee doing, is she going back to work in the New Year?' was what they said."

Aimee: "Honestly, I was hurt. Really hurt, like imagine, having real feelings for someone for the very first time, feeling something you've never felt and you knew that moment that this was love. That you loved them and it was hard for them to accept that because of other people opinions who don't matter to us. So yes, it was hard for me but I could see it from his point of view and girl I went straight back to work after my break. Success doesn't come with just sitting around, I will always work hard on protecting the people I need to protect, by being their voice and standing up for them."

*Author nods head*

Author: "This person wants to know what you saw in that asshole Gabriel and especially him not being nothing like Anthony."

*Aimee makes a disgusted facial expression on the mention of Gabriel*

Aimee: "I was legally blind, I couldn't see at that time but I can see clearly now, Anthony is my one and only, we have a family together and we're still going strong. Yes, sex is still great between us."

*Author drops mouth open*

*Anthony blushes*

Author: "Aimee, no one asked that!"

*Aimee Shrugs*

Aimee: "I know they were all dying to know."

*Author lets out a sigh*

Author: "This person asked the family 'What was going through Y'all mind when Anthony was telling you all the truth."

Klein Anthony Older Brother: "That we're going to be locked up for a very long time"

Anthony Mom: "I was shocked, shock I tell ya. I didn't see it coming, I had passed out also in the police car. I was just stunned, but everything is fine now, but still. I mean, imagine police officers coming into your home, arresting the whole family for what one person did."

*Anthony still feeling bad about that*

Anthony Mom: "It's okay son, it all worked out for the better."

Ella Anthony Older sister: "Honestly, I thought it was a joke at first until I saw the handcuffs being taken out, they were serious, I was shocked, it was nothing like Anthony but I guess love drives some people crazy and other crazier."

Heather Anthony Niece: "Okay, I was mad. I had no idea why I was even taken to jail also, I mean the only thing I was guilty of was my slick mouth that's it, but you know. It made a cool story to tell at school, I had no one messing with me. Told everyone I've been to jail.

Handcuffed During The HolidaysWhere stories live. Discover now