"Okay." You smile.

"Good. Sammy he has to talk to us." He says.

Sam nods and Dean leaves.

"I gotta go but I'll be back. Will you be okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Thank you." You say.

Sam smiles and walks out of the room. You lay your head back on the pillow. Of course, the most gorgeous guys you've ever seen have rescued you. Sam has your attention but Dean definitely isn't hard on the eyes either. You reach over and take the Advil, downing the whole glass of water. Twenty minutes later Sam enters your room again and sits back down in the chair.

"Sorry about that. Still feeling alright?" He asks.

"Yeah. Better now that I have drugs in me." You giggle.

Sam chuckles and it melts your heart.

"So, what attacked me?" You say.

Sam takes a deep breath.

"It's called a Wraith. It's a demon that feeds of human brains." Sam says quietly.

You seize in fear. Sam notices and his face softens.

"But it didn't get to you. We checked." He says.

You breathe a sigh of relief.

"How did you find me?" You ask.

"We were in town for a job tracking this thing and it had already killed several people. You were reported missing and we tracked it to the warehouse where it took you." He says.

"Is--Is it dead? Will it c--come back for me?" You say terrified.

"No. Dean killed it. One of it's weaknesses is silver and he shot it through the heart with a silver bullet. It's never coming back." He says.

"Thank you. You guys saved my life." You say as a tear falls down your face.

"That's what we do." He smiles.

You lean forward and hug him tightly. He seems surprised at first but he then hugs you back.

"Do you have any family that we can contact?" He asks.

Your heart aches when he mentions family. He sees he struck a nerve.

"Actually it's really none of my business so--" He begins but you stop him.

"My parents and little brother were killed in a car accident when I was eighteen. I don't have any other family outside of them." You say quietly.

They've been gone for years but it still feels like there is a hole in your chest every time that you think of them. This time Sam takes you up in his arms. The smell of his cologne calms you.

"I totally understand. I lost my mom and dad too. I'm so sorry. You can stay with me and Dean as long as you like." He says.

For several weeks, you heal up and become closer with Sam and Dean, especially Sam. You have a lot of the same interests. You both love to read, loved school, loves to research and you just click. Your feelings for Sam have grown stronger and you've noticed that every time they leave for another hunt, you pray that they come home safe.

"Y/N we're home!" Sam shouts.

Your race down the stairs and jump into Sam's arms.

"You guys were gone for forever!" You say.

"It was only three days." He chuckles and hugs you tightly.

He puts you down and Dean gives you a hug. You were still in your skimpy pajamas and you notice that Sam is staring at you as you do chores around the house.

"You have something you wanna tell me Sammy?" You giggle, trying to embarrass him.

His face turns a bright shade of red and he shakes his head.

"Uh--um no." He says, flustered.

You laugh and continue to work. You're putting away dishes when you feel Sam behind you. He rests his hand gently on your hip and a chill runs through your body.

"You know you're putting those in the wrong place right?" He says, reaching over you and putting the cups you just put in the cupboard into the one next to it.

You turn to face him and he is towering over you. He's so perfect.

"Are you trying to tell me how to put away dishes Sam Winchester?" You say, pretending to be annoyed.

"Y/N Y/L/N yes I am." He says.

You both start laughing. You suddenly feel his large, rough hand on your hip and he squeezes it.

Silence falls between you and you look up at his puppy dog eyes that make your heart melt every time. He licks his bottom lip and raises his other hand, holding your cheek. He leans down and his soft lips touch yours. You feel like your body has electricity running through it. He deepens the kiss and wraps one arm around your waist, sliding his hand under your shirt and picking you up effortlessly, placing you on the counter in front of him. The kiss becomes more needy and feverish. You grab a fistful of his shirt, pulling him in closer. He puts both hands on either side of your head and bites your bottom lip. A small and quiet moan escapes your lips and Sam inhales sharply a low groan coming from him.

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A/N: You know what makes me kinda uncomfy about this gif? This is Jared's actual wife in this scene...am I the only one who finds this weird lol?

"Fina-fucking-ly! It's only been like eight weeks!" Dean says from the doorway, clapping his hands.

Sam immediately pulls away facing Dean and you both try to catch your breath.

"Dammit, Dean!" Sam shouts frustrated.

"I just wanted a beer and I come in here to find Sammy getting some! Nice." He says, clapping him on the back and opening the fridge.

Your face burns with embarrassment and you adjust your shirt which Sam has pulled up. He pops open the beer bottle, winks at you and leaves the kitchen. Sam turns to you still breathing heavily.

"Sorry." He says.

You jump off the counter and grab his shirt again, pulling him into your lips. You pull back and smirk at him.

"Let's take this party to the bedroom." You say and wink at him, turning and heading down the hallway.

Sam runs after you, pushing you into his room and locking the door behind him. 

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