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"Ew, is that what I actually look like after waking up? I don't like it," I frown, I look from left to right all I can see is the TARDIS, the Doctor and I (well, millions of us actually)

"This.. Is new," the Doctor says looking around.

There are fifty or a hundred -I don't really know- mirrors surrounding us on the walls of a dark dusty room with no windows or doors. But when I study the mirrors properly the backgrounds are different, it's me standing in the mirror but a different room in the background.

"Doctor these mirror aren't ordinary are they?" I ask,

"To be honest no," the Doctor says walking around looking at all the mirrors, I glance over my left shoulder and see a large mirror with a golden frame and little dust. As I approach I look at the background, in the back is a Victorian style dark wood room with old furniture and items, I smile glancing at all the belongings in the room, but then something catches my eye but then it's gone, I don't even know what it was just a black shape, maybe a shadow?

"Winter? Are you okay?" The Doctor asks approaching me,

"Yeah I just thought I saw something," I say shaking the thought away, "what is this place?"

"I'm not sure," the Doctor states grabbing out his sonic screwdriver. He waves it around and then points it at the golden mirror in front of us, and as he does the noise of the sonic screwdriver raises up by an octave or two and the Doctor smiles. He looks at me excitedly and then grabs my hand.

"Geronimo!" He shouts running forward and jumping into the mirror dragging me behind.

I scream as I fall, it feels like minuets before I land with a thud knocking my sore head onto the wooden ground, I groan in pain and then roll over holding my head.

"Why is it always the head?" I mutter as I get the feeling my already injured eyebrow has started bleeding again.

I stand up and look around, "Doctor?" I whisper, it seems to be that all I ever ask is that question.

I glance around the room I am standing in and start to wonder where I am, the room looks Victorian and fancy, like a rich Victorian couple owned it or something.

"Doctor," I whisper again a bit louder,

"Wow, I haven't done that in a long time, no I lied, except that was bit different there was a poodle involved, but that's irrelevant, I don't even know why I am saying this, hello, you were looking for me?" The Doctor jumps up from behind the couch scaring the hell out of me,

"Why the hell did you have to do that?" I ask, "now we are stuck here forever!"

"You really should stop exaggerating, forever is a long time, we're probably only stuck here for at least a millennium, nowhere near forever," the Doctor says waving his hands around wildly while pulling himself off he couch.

"At least? Have you finally lost it? Did you bump your head on the incredibly soft couch?" I ask becoming annoyed,

"Yes actually," he says offended,

"Oh you poor thing, at least I only hit my head on the comfy, soft, not solid at all floor," I hiss turning around a sort of feeling of being watched tickling at my back.

"Do you feel like you are being watched?" The Doctor asks me suddenly becoming serious,

"Your are just trying to change the subject, you can't back away that eas-" I start turning around to the Doctor who then places his finger on my lips.

"Sh," he whispers, "I asked: do you feel like you are being watched?"

"If the feeling of a giant wrinkled up worm on your lips is the feeling of being watched then yes, or is it that feeling your back gets that feels like a tickle but it just never goes away," I say as he removes his finger from my lips,

Winter (Doctor Who FanFiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant