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I spin around and the door is closed. I run up to it and bang on it, "let us out!" I scream.

"Sir pass me your grenad-"

"STRAX!" I shout,

"Sorry," Strax apologizes,

"No, it's okay I'm Sorry," I say turning around looking at the cell we had walked in to find the Doctor,

How would they know we would come down here? How did they know I would know? The only person who knew we were coming here was...

"You!" I shout turning up to the mysterious guy, "you tricked us, led us here and trapped us,"

"What?" He gasps offended,

"Isn't it strange how you knew every detail, worked out I needed a map, took us here, told us what we needed to know. I don't even know your name," I say walking up to him as he backs up to the wall,

"Can't you see I am in here too?" He asks intimidated and afraid,

"I still don't trust you!" I spit walking away,

"Rik, my names Rik," he says sitting down on one the small wooden chair in the corner his arms crossed and his eyes squinted annoyed like.


I hear footsteps and open my eyes I must of dozed off, I don't know how long we've been in here but it's been longer than an hour that's for sure, I stand up and walk to the door where Strax has been standing since we got trapped in here.

I glance out the small square window and see the woman I saw before with the died blonde hair, this time without the man.

"Hey!" I shout to her as she walks over, "explain to me exactly why I am here,"

"Well... My collection was incomplete," she smirks pushing her glasses up her nose and leaning into the small window.

"Was?" I question here,

"Timelord," Is all she whispers before walking away her sharp black heels clipping the tiled floor.

I forget that, or maybe I make myself forget. It's not the sort of thing you'd always want to remember. I'm still not completely over that myself.

"Timelord?" Rik asks breaking his silence,


"You told me you were human!" He growls,

"Yeah well at the time I forgot I wasn't!" I argue defending myself,

"Yeah? how can you just forget your something?" He asks coming closer to me. I see Strax in the corner of my eye and he comes closer as well as if to defend me.

"Well that's the exact question I want to ask the Doctor when I see him because I have not know that I am a Timelord for all my life so just... Yeah!" I shout angrily calming down by the 'yeah.'

"Oh, sorry, are we even now?" He asks extending his hand,

"I'm not a trusting person," I say bluntly turning away. After Gus I don't know who to trust.

It seems like a couple hours pass before the other young man from before appears at the door, I stand up and watch him like a hawk. He unlocks the door and opens it revealing three sets of hand cuffs in his hands.

Before I even get a chance to blink Strax leaps from beside the door and pushes him down, the man falls with a girly shriek before Strax grabs the hand cuffs and handcuffs him to the door.

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