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"Where are we going?" I ask as we we walk through the empty town street, which is just around the corner from the bookstore I work at -which is called the Big Book (stupid name I know)-

"Big Book" he smiles turning his head to me

"Big Book? Why? I thought we were looking for more Oods" I ask confused as we head down the street

"Books are the best weapons" he smiles as we reach the door of the store which is closed,

"Not what most people say" I say grabbing my keys out reluctantly but excitedly


The Doctor heads to the informational section and I head down a different row and find a copy of The Fault In Our Stars which just came in, I had to order them in, sold three in the last week alone.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor asks me

"Well everything has been The Fault In Our Stars based so I thought y'know..." I start "Amsterdam! What if they are after the Amsterdam government?" I ask randomly

"No I don't think so but government maybe" he says making a face like he's impressed

"My dads in the government" I say just as a random fact

The Doctors head snaps my way and I panic he looks like he has an intense idea but I calm down knowing it can't be that bad. He smirks and grabs my hand again causing me drop TFIOS book.

"Oih that book has feelings" I laugh as he pulls me out the door, I loosen his grip and turn around and lock the door. "My boss will kill me if I leave the door unlocked"

"What boss?" He laughs.

We run back to the TARDIS as the sun sets, "don't you have a brother?" The Doctor asks me

"Yeah but he's at Artie's place" I say, I actually completely forgot about Benjamin that makes me feel pretty bad, but he is pretty annoying a lot of the time.

"Good, now where are your parents?" He asks me stepping into the TARDIS.

"At the Parisians" I say before realizing that doesn't help much "big mansion on the hill? I'm guessing it's a government party thing, I'm never invited" it sucks every month or two my parent get to go to one of there parties and I'm stuck at home alone, well unless you count my books.

"Well guess what you are now, go out that door the TARDIS should take you to the wardrobe, pick something nice" he smiles politely, I suddenly become overexcited.

I walk out the door and into a corridor the ship is humongous, "how am I meant to know which door is correct, are you going to shine a light on it or something?" I say to the TARDIS, it feels weird talking to a ship.

Suddenly a light starts to glow above a door near the end of the corridor, "show off," I mutter.

I walk up to the door and press a button on the side of the door to open it. As it opens I walk in to what I expect to be a wardrobe, but it obviously isn't. I fall for what feels like minuets, before landing on something soft and hard, it consumes me and I start to feel wet, I open my eyes and see I just fell in a swimming pool, "that's not funny!" I hiss.

I swim over to the edge my uniform and jumper drenched and sticky, I climb over and stand up on the surrounding ledges, I walk out the door dripping and storm back to main control room. I open the door and instead of opening the door to the control room I get showered in feathers. "I repeat this is not funny!"

I close that door still completely covered in water and feathers and start towards the other end of the hallway, I wait a second before eventually having the guts to open the door. I open it and step inside; finally the right room.

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