Chapter 7: Frantic

Start from the beginning

My arms extended as she looked at me. Though she didn't ask why, she just fell into them as she quietly sobbed. "What's your name?" She asked after a few seconds.


"I'm Anna." She said quietly. "So, are you married?"

"No. But I'm hoping to ask my best friend feels for me how I do for him." I admit.

"That's nice. What's his name of you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all. It's Kellin, the only person I've really loved."

"Sir, they're ready for you." The lady at the counter states. I nodded pulling away from Anna.

"Good luck." Anna says as I stand. I thank her and walk to the interrogation room where I was meet by a police officer.

I took a seat opposite him as he stared me down. "You're here to file a missing persons report, correct?"

"Yes. Is there anything you can do?"

"I need to know every little detail about your case." The officer starts.

"I was awoke by my friend telling me that his child was missing, I told him to go to sleep and I'll sort everything. That's why I'm here."

"This man you speak of, what's his name?"

"Kellin Quinn." I notice his writing down everything I say, occasionally looking between the pad of paper and me.

"What relation do you have to Kellin and the child?" He asks.

"His my partner and Copeland is his daughter."

"Okay without any leads we can't search for anyone as a suspect, do you have a picture of this child?"

"Her name is Copeland not 'the child.'" I argue before I pull my wallet out, handing him a pitcher of Kellin, Copeland and I.

The officer glanced over the photo before putting it in a sealed plastic wallet. "How old is Copeland?"

"She's two. Three in May." I say, smiling at the thought of her.

"I believe that's everything, your free to leave Mr....?"


"We'll call you if we have any leads. Thank you Mr Fuentes." He said as he shook my hand before opening the door as I left.

As I walked through the station, I waved goodbye to Anna who only smiled back.

The walk home was quick yet it felt tiring. All I wanted was to hug Kellin and let him know that everything is going to be okay.

Once I arrived back saw Kellin sitting in the sofa, going through the album he kept of Copeland.

I sat next to him, taking the photo album from him and laying it carefully on the sofa. "You need to stop doing that," I say calmly.

"How did it go?" Kellin asked frantically.

"Ordinary. Nothing to worry about, they said they call us if they work something out." I explain as Kellin just nods.

Suddenly, I hear the beeping of Kellin's phone. He picks it up to see he was receiving a video call, it said;

Unknown caller.

Kellin hesitated before pressing accept and holding it to his face. The sight that greeted us was horrifying. "I've been waiting to talk to you Kellin."

"Jamie, what have you done?" He asked pained.

I heard Jamie sniggering through the line. "Shouldn't the question be what have you done with my daughter?"

Tears started to fill Kellin's eyes but he blinked them away. "Is Copeland okay?"

"She's fine, for now." Jamie laughed sickly.

"Jamie, I swear if you fucking touch her I'll...."

"Now now Kellin. You wouldn't be threatening me would you? We both know what I'm capable of, just ask Vic."

"You fucking leave him out of this!" Kellin yells.

"Speaking of him, where is that pretty boy of yours?" He asks.

"What makes you think you're seeing him?" Kellin hissed in annoyance.

Jamie pointed a gun to Copeland. "This would." He replies. "I only want to show him something."

Kellin hands me his phone and I watch as Jamie points the gun away from Copeland, Kellin becoming hysterical. "Hello precious." Greets Jamie in a sinister tone.

"You said you had something to show me." I say, slightly scared.

What I saw before me will be something I'll never forget.

"Hunter?" I gasp.

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