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    "Bobbi...Bobbi she's dead. Bobbi stop. Please. Oh I don't feel so good." I lie my head on the cool pavement and wait for my stomach to settle some. Bobbi is still stabbing Lila's mangled body. Her blood supply is almost gone since her heart has stopped pumping blood. Bobbi lets out a shrill and I cringe.

    "Bobbi....BOBBI!" I gain my ground and my stomach stops feeling quesy. "Bobbi. It's over just drop the knife. BOBBI I SWEAR TO THE HEAVENS IF YOU DON'T STOP NOW I'LL -" She cuts me off.

    "You'll what? Please inform me." Her fists clench the knife and she scoffs, returning to her dismantlement of Lila's body. I search my mind for anything that would make her stop. I take a step towards her then stop. "She wouldn't want this you know?" Bobbi's head whips around and her hood flies off. "Excuse me?"

    "Alex wouldn't want this. She didn't want you to be a murderer. She never agreed with that life style did she?" Bobbi's face goes slack and she stands. "I-I-I-" Today has been filled with to many tears and yet we find more reasons to cry. "It's ok Bobbi just drop the knife and we'll get you out of here." She listens and drops the weapon but doesn't move. "Come on Bobbi let's go back inside." She shakes her head and her hair sticks to her bloody sweat covered forehead.

    "No. I can't-I" She steps back. Then back again. My eyebrows burrow and I speak sternly. "Bobbi stop." "No I can't be here anymore. Without Alex I don't know what to do. I-" She steps back once more and her foot gets caught. She stumbles over Lila and falls backwards over the edge of HeadQuarters. "NO!BOBBI!" I race to grab her but i'm too late, she's already falling beyond my reach. The only part of her I can reach is her mind.

    It's my fault. Everything is my fault. If I wasn't a mercenary none of this would have happened. Alex would still be alive. Oh my god, I even killed that poor little girl. All I wanted to do was help. I really am a monster.

    No Bobbi you aren't. Everyone makes mistakes. But these things weren't your fault.

    We wouldn't even have these horrendous powers if it weren't for me. All I wanted was to see my sister. I'm the one who dropped the cement on that child. I'm the one who got my sister killed. If only I had been paying attention.

    Things happen Bobbi. It's ok it really isn't your fault. It's ok.

    "She cries." I say to the distressed Cara. "She cries for so many things. Her sister. Lila's little girl. Her failures. Her emptiness. She cries for everything and there's nothing I can say to comfort her.

    I wish I could be forgiven. She thinks before she hits the ground. Her body sprawled and broken in many places. Blood pools around her and I whisper. "I forgive you." Death surrounds us and I hear screams from the people below staring at Bobbi's corpse. Sirens go off in the distance. I turn to Cara who has paled tremedously.

    "What do I do?" Her carmel eyes look at me. She's still in shock at the events. "Please tell me Cara. You're my adviser. Please tell me what i'm suppose to do?" She stands and starts walking in circles. "I uh hold on. Give me a moment, I need to think." I stare at her in anticipation. Hoping she can make this better in some way.

    "Here's what we are going to do. We are going to go inside and wait until Mrs. Carlten or someone shows up. We will tell them what happened and then we'll try to move on. Ok? Think you can do that?" "I don't know about that Cara. How can I just...move on? They were our friends Cara."

    "I know Garrett. I know but let's just try ok. We don't have to forget them. Just try to live life day by day." I nod my head and with that we go inside and just try to make through the rest of the day. Try to make it through each day. Until the pain of these events fade although they may never go away.

In The Eyes Of A VillainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora