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    The rainbow filled walls shine vigoriously. Honestly it hurts my eyes. "Come on, uh, Charles was it? I didn't do anything! They have the wrong person! I was just laying in my bed trying to sleep and he broke into my house and crawled on top of me! If anything HE should be the one locked up! Not me! I'm just the victim here!"

    "I'm sorry miss but ya gon' hafta take it on up wif Mrs. C."


    "Mrs. Carlten! She be da leader of tis here orginizashion."

    "Come on big guy! We don't need to get her into this small situation. Plus what happens when she sees that you locked up a civilian? Huh? How much trouble would you be in?" I gasp loudly for a special effect on the dumb fellow. " What if she takes your status and makes you a civilian yourself? WHAT IF she locks YOU up?"

    "Mrs.C wouldna do dat to mah. Imma ones of the top strengths there be in this here orginazashion. She couldnta do'se that right missy?" He questions. "I can't say she wouldn't. So why challenge it? Just let me out and we can clear this on up with her." He nodded and went for the keys. "See you're doing the right thing buddy! Just unlock this door." "Imma getin' it missy. It'sa gonna take's me a minute." I grumble in anticipation. He slips the key in and goes to turn it when a hated face walks in.

    "Charles! What are you doing?" The bright woman states. "Well Hiya miss Alex Yang." He turns to me and whispers, " Thats Alex Yang. She be mah boss." A stupid grin spread across his sagging face. I roll my eyes in defeat. "Yes. Hi. It's a pleasure to see you too Charles." She pats his shoulder then subtly shrugs him off. "Can you please tell me what you were doing?"

    "Well miss Alex Yang. I was justa unlocking this here doors. And lettin' out this ciiviiliian. She didn' do nothin'.She swears by it." Alex groans and places her hand on her forehead. "How many times do we have to tell you Charles? You can't trust the person thats behind the bars! Do you understand?" Charles looked like a scoulded puppy as he left. "Yessum miss Alex Yang. Imma sorry. G'bye miss Lila Dil. See's ya on mah next shift." I reluctantly wave to him. "Bye Charles. See you next shift." This Alex character escorted me to another bright room with only a small chair and a table. Electricity courses through the handcuffs. Ready to shock me if I get to out of line.

     " Okay that was a nice try. Miss meany villain person-"


     "Actually I believe the file said your name was Scamper."
              "I can go by both I suppose."

      " Scamper isn't a very pretty name. I mean like why that nam- you know what i'm getting off topic. Anyway it's gonna take more than that to escape. It's gonna take a whole army of mutants for you to escape. Now I was sent here to interrogate you on your robberies or whatever. So start talking sweetheart."

        "Who me? I didn't do anything." I say innocently.
    "Ok hotstuff you and I both know you're a thief. Just tell me whatcha stole and why ya stole and maybe we could work out a deal."
        "A deal? You'd really do that for me? Really? Really?"

    "Anything for you cutie. All you have to do is give me the information i'm asking for. So you think you can do that? For me?"
    I faux a bashful laugh, "why of course. Let's see..." I pretend to think and watch her lean forward in anticipation of my answer. "I robbed people's hearts. Only to break them later. Wanna be my next victim?" I boop her nose and wink at her. To my surprise, her nose wrinkles in disgust as she leans away from me. "What? You hit on me first. I'm just leveling the playing field" "What are you gay or something?" "What are you homophobic or something?"

    "I-no of course not-why would- sdfkj-no-ugh-this is an interrogation hun. All I want is what you stole and what you plan to do with it." Her molten metal eyes begin to glow with the light of a hundred suns. She is definitely angry. It might not be best to poke the bear this time. I just can't help myself though. "Seems like you are. I'm not gay myself but you know twenty dollars is twenty dollars. You willing to pay?" Her friendly flirtatious demeanor dissolved and I was met with a furious angel who seems like she's about to do something to get her kicked out of heaven. I instantly feel regret as her hands begin to engulf themselves in a bright substance. She grabs my shirt and fire burns through the material. I can feel the heat on my skin. The other face of the twins appears and quickly becomes my safe haven. This confirms that Alex was the killer of my daughter for sure. She is definitely hotheaded and could kill children without a second thought.

    I huff in annoyance and pain as she is pulled away from me. Good riddance. I spit in her direction with spite. How dare she kill my only child and then attack me without a second thought. The darker of the twins looks at me with a sympathetic gaze. "I'm sorry about Alex. Sometimes she doesn't think before she acts." "Yeah no kidding." I say. I don't need your sympathy. I need revenge for my Lilly. I will kill your sister. If anyone gets in my way I will kill them too. My Lilly didn't deserve to die but she does.

    " Ok Scamper we are gonna send you back to your cell and then tomorrow to testing. We're gonna find out how you tick." Says a tall lady in a pant suit. A devilish smile plastered on her pimple filled face. The walls are crystallized everywhere. Not just my cage of impending doom. Making it nearly impossible to map out my escape. Guess i'll just have to think of another way.

    The woman throws me into the room and locks the door. "Hands." Carefully I slide my hands through the slot and watch her unlock the electricity filled handcuffs. "Hands." My hands are pushed back at me and the crystallized force field like wall closes. The business woman walks away and is replaced with Charles.

    "Hiya again miss Lila Dil."

        "Hey Charles. I'm tired, mind unlocking the door so I can grab a pillow or something?"

    "Why sure missy! I'da love ta." His shoulders slump forward before he turns around and returns to his post. Without the keys.

        "Charles? What are you doing? I thought you were going to get the keys for me?"

    "Well, i'sa goin' ta, but then's I remembered. Miss Alex Yang said uh. Now don't be listenin' to da one's behind da bars ya hear? And I don' wanna get in trouble. So imma real sorry miss Lila Dil but I can't let ya outta dere."

        "Ugh. It's fine Charles. I understand, i'm the bad guy and I have to be contained. Well goodnight I guess."

    "g'night miss Lila Dil. Imma real sorry about keepin' you locked up. You don' seems like a bad folk. Just had some bad tings' happen to ya which caused some bad choices. That's all. "

        "Yeah, just some bad choices is all." I then whisper quietly, "I'm sorry Charles, but some things must be done. I have to get out of here. I hope you can forgive me for this one day." I pull a small device out of my inner pocket. Not just any device. A bombing device that I saved for a situation like this. Heedfully, I place the bomb on the wall of my prison. Click the button. Then jump back and cover my ears.

    A small blast shoots open the door and I hear Charles groan. Misery courses through me as I stare at what I have done. He lays on the ground bleeding from his head. His sapphire eyes remain closed as he writhes in pain. "I truly am sorry Charles." I take off the jacket that was given to me and wrap it around his head. In a failed attempt to help him. I have to get out of here. I sketch a note of apology to him and dash out the door into the Superhero Headquarters. If I can find their weak spot, I can surely take them down. Then I can finally have vengeance on Alex Yang.

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