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     Sneaking around the facility isn't my brightest idea but it's the best I've got. I could always try and catch another villain, I think to myself. I silently shake my head, no I can't do that. It's not my first challenge. What kind of a hero am I if I can't catch the first villain I meet.

    Quietly I slither through the halls. Sliding into the thoughts of others and shifting their attention away from me. Just for extra effect I have my maroon hoodie hiding my face from view. Where would the Yin-Yang twins be?

    I catch wind of an adviser conversation. Immediately I use my abilities to learn that the Yin-Yang twins are in training room 7 on floor three.

    Creeping through the wide, bare, luminescent halls is easy until I reach the elevator. The sides are made of glass so hiding myself wasn't going to be easy.

    It dings and Mrs. Carlten enters. Her long pale and bony fingers click the floor 5 button. Her structured face wrinkles in confusion at the extra button pushed.

    I hold my breath and feel my mental hold on her waver. Her violet eyes widen and she quickly snaps around. Only to see nothing because I regain her thoughts. She mumbles something about being a "crazy old bat" before turning back around.

    We reached floor three and I shift around Carlten. Releasing my breathe and continuing  to training room seven.

    The bright green automatic doors open when I approached them. My ego flares at the fact I made it undetected. It deflates moments later when Cara strolls in. Quickly, I jump behind a column because Cara has a good sense of when I'm using my powers.

    "Alex? Bobbi?" Two identical women shift towards Cara. The dark haired one of the two spoke first. "May I help you?"

    "Yeah. I have a villain case I want to talk with y'all about." The brighter of the women perks up. "Another battle? Sweet time to kick some evil butt" she sings.

    Cara smirks and then continues, " The villain' s name is Scamper. One of my students that I advise met her last night. Here's the file." She starts to hand it to the vibrant blonde but she shakes her head.

    "That's Bobbi's thing." The manila folder is handed to the twin who resembles a black hole. Her stubby fingers flip through the papers until she finds a flash-drive.

    She holds it up in confusion. I to am confused. "Video caught by my student" Cara states. The twin with eyes like an abyss - Bobbi - nods.

    So the other one must be Alex. I haven't heard much about the two. Only that they are twins who were bombed then gained their powers. Mrs. Carlten had to drag them over to our organization. Other than that they are a total mystery to me.

    I shake my head to regain my focus. Shoot I missed something. Cara and the twins - Alex and Bobbi - have dropped their voice to a harsh whisper.

    "We identified the brand of knife...."

    "Yall need to talk to the owner...."

    " ... Big Dil's Hunting and Fishing shop..."

    The twins nod at the things Cara is saying. I only caught a few of the words coming from their mouths but it is enough to start an investigation. Guess I'm heading to Big Dil's to talk to some employees.

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