Inside Your Heaven - Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Their First Date - Day 2

            Later that night, Angel came to taste the roasted trout Dawson boasted about earlier, and he wasn't kidding; the trout was indeed heavenly. it was so heavenly, in fact, that she finished half of the fish and, for the first time in her life, she couldn't get up from eating too much.

            "Now I know where the bottom of your stomach is," Dawson teased as he carried Angel to the bedroom.

            "Ooh, shut up," Angel pouted. "You're just lucky I'm head over heels over you."

            "And lucky me I'm of the same feelings," Dawson cooed, and he laid Angel on the bed. He then propped her up with pillows and laid down next to her. They were silent for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. And then...

            Hush now my baby, be still and don't cry, Dawson began to sing.

            Sleep like you're rocked by the stream...

            Sleep and remember my lullaby,

            So I'll be with you when you dream...

            "You're singing me to sleep?" Angel asked, her voice now bordering on sleepiness.

            "You like it?" Dawson asked. "I can't take credit though; I liked that lullaby from Prince of Egypt..."

            "I... like it, you have the sweetest voice," Angel yawned her reply. "It's as if... I'm drifting down river..."

            Dawson chuckled softly, and he continued the lullaby.

            Drift on the river that flows through my arms,

            Drift as I'm singing to you...

            I see you smiling, so peaceful and calm,

            Holding you, I'm smiling too...

            Dawson felt Angel nod a bit, and he saw that she was already asleep. smiling to himself, he tucked her in his arms and made himself comfortable beside her.

            "The song was right," he whispered. "Nothing in this world can make me smile better than holding you like this. It's still rather early, but I'd still like to say it... I love you, my Angel...

            Dawson kissed Angel's forehead, and he slowly drifted to sleep with her in his arms.

            The next morning, Angel awoke rather early, but wished she rather didn't. she was enveloped in Dawson's arms, and he still was snoring away. She was much too comfortable with the way she lay, but waking up early took that comfort away in increments.

            Slowly, she peeled off Dawson's arm slung over her, careful not to startle him. when she was able to get free, she got up slowly and kissed Dawson's cheek before going out, and the first thing she saw was the entirety of the cabin.

            because she was so preoccupied with Dawson, she never really got to appreciate the log cabin, and now she took the chance to do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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