Inside Your Heaven - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Dreaming Big

            Dawson blew a big sigh of relief as he left Amanda. He had just avoided a major conflict.

            To be honest, he never knew why he got back with her. Aside from Tracy and her brother Terrence, Amanda was from the same high school as he is in Ivory Cove City. They met sophomore year when he was enrolled in biology class, and they were lab partners. Dawson was good in the sciences, whereas Amanda wasn’t; in fact, she was horrible at it that the teacher informed her that she would flunk the course if she didn’t improve. So Dawson, being a good guy, helped her study, and her grades improved. And in the process of helping her, he developed feelings for her, and they became a couple by the middle of that same year. Up to the point before they became a couple, she was sweet, innocent and kind, but when they became a couple, all of that went out the window, for he found out the hard way who Amanda Daniels really is.

            She was conniving and clung to him much whenever he’s around. When he’s with his friends, she would get mad. And she’s jealous whenever Tracy’s around, and it got to the point where he spent a night at Tracy’s house for some homework that she ended up getting into a catfight with Tracy. Thankfully, Tracy wasn’t suspended, but hurting his friend was the final straw. He broke up with Amanda by the end of sophomore year, and he never saw her again until they got to college.

            For one moment, he thought she changed. When he saw her the year before Angel came into school, she was genuinely kind and caring, so he granted her plea to get back together after a year of proving that she has finally changed.

            But then the signs started appearing again.

She got mad about the party before the start of term this year, and just this morning, he saw how she loathed Angel. Somehow, she got wind of his night with her, and she loathed her because of it. Hopefully, it wouldn’t last long. at least, that’s what he was trying to say to himself.

            When he got back in the cafeteria, he scanned for Tracy and the rest. He saw them in a corner table.

            “Hi guys!” He greeted cheerfully when he got to them, pulling a chair to sit down next to Tracy. Instead of a greeting, he was met with a full-blown glare from Tracy.

            “What?” He asked, confused.

            “You seriously are going to ask me what’s up?” Tracy scoffed.

            “Well, I don’t know what got you in a sour mood,” Dawson reasoned.

            Tracy just groaned in frustration, and held her tongue and kept her face hard and cold as she continued to eat. He looked at Warren, but he just shot him an apologetic look, for Tracy would get mad at him if he spoke about it. It was getting on his nerves.

            “What the heck is going on?” he asked the others, sounding annoyed.

            “Well, try Angel,” Terrence replied. “She was in a daze when she left. She didn’t even go in for some breakfast.”

            “What?” Dawson can’t believe what he was hearing.

            “She wasn’t herself when we found her,” Gwen said. “She didn’t seem to hear us when we came. She was just staring into nothing.”

            Oh no… Dawson thought, his heart sinking. Please don’t let it be…

            “So, where is she?” he asked.

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