Inside Your Heaven - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


            Just then, the door of Dawson’s room opened, and in went Terrence.

            “Hey man, where’ve you been?” Warren asked him.

            “I… uh… went to a CD store for a bit,” Terrence explained, raising a CD. “Went to buy a CD for a project at school…”

            He looked at Tracy, and she wasn’t clearly buying it.

            “You sure about that?” Tract asked narrowing her eyes.

            “Yeah, don’t put too much into it,” Terrence assured quickly. “Anyway, I asked the nurse at the station. She said you’d be out by the end of the day,” this he said to Dawson.

            “Oh, thank God!” Dawson said with relief. “I really hate staying here… feels depressing… Anyway, come eat. Gracie sent us some great food.”

            “Oh, okay,” Terrence said without any reaction whatsoever, but just went and grabbed some food and ate in silence.

            “I think he’s having some trouble,” Gwen whispered to Tracy.

            “You think?” Tracy asked, skeptical.

            “I’m not really sure,” Gwen replied. “It’s just a hunch.”

            “Well… I just need to have a little chat with him one of these days…” Tracy said, looking at Terrence who was rather oblivious to what had transpired between her and Gwen.

            Wait a minute… Tracy suddenly had a burst of intuition. Now that I think about it… he hasn’t been late for a party before… and he doesn’t stay out for an entire day… and he keeps on going to the grocery store to buy stuff, which he doesn’t normally do…

            Tracy was now suspicious of what’s going on with her brother, and he sure has hell to pay if he doesn’t tell her ASAP.

            “I’ll be leaving now,” Terrence said after an hour. “I need to be somewhere else.”

            “Yeah, we are, too,” Tracy added. “I’ll be heading back to have some me time.”

            “You’re not going to include me?” Warren asked her, pouting.

            “My own private time always includes you,” Tracy chuckled. “And you promised me a lunch date, remember?”

            “Can I hitch a ride with you two?” Gwen piped in. “I need to finish my homework.”

            “How about you?” Dawson asked Angel.

            “Well, you are coming with me when you get out of here,” Angel replied, smiling at him. “You get to ride in my Porsche.”

            “Really?” Dawson’s face lit up like a five year old, to which Angel laugh.

            “Okay, you two lovebirds, see you later!” Tracy said as the rest of them went out the door of Dawson’s room.

            “Sure!” Dawson called out, and then the both of them were left alone.

            “Finally,” Dawson heaved a sigh. “I thought they’d never leave.”

            “And why is that?” Angel asked.

            Dawson didn’t answer, but instead he gently pulled her down his bed and entwined his arms around her waist.

            “’Coz I missed you,” he said simply. “And for one day, I want it to be just you and me.”

            “Oh, you’re all lovey dovey now, huh?” Angel giggled.

            “Well, I like this version of you and me,” Dawson chuckled.

            “So what are we to do while we wait for your doctor?” Angel asked.

            Dawson scanned the room, looking for something to do, when his eyes landed on something lying precariously on his bedside table.

            “Isn’t that Terrence’s CD?” Dawson asked.

            “Why yes it is…” Angel said, picking up the CD. She read the cover, and her eyes suddenly went wide.

            “Dawson… Terrence is in deep trouble…” Angel said.

            “Why is that?” Dawson asked, confused.

            Angel didn’t answer, but instead she handed Dawson the CD, which had the following on the cover:


Month 4

Ms. Cassidy Hunt c/o Mr. Terrence Nielsen

            “Oh my…” Dawson’s was blank from shock. “Do you have something where we can watch this on?”

            “I have my laptop,” Angel replied, taking it out and turning it on.

            “Here, put the CD in,” he instructed, and the CD whirred for a bit, and then a window popped out, showing black and white images and a video. Angel clicked the video and played.

            “Oh God…” was the only thing Dawson can say when he saw it.

            There on the screen was the grainy image of a baby.

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