Inside Your Heaven - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I Will Never Let You Go

            Dawson felt like his head was dead weight. He tried to open his eyes, but all he saw was a blur. He closed them again and then blinked several times to make his eyes focus.

            “Hey there, sleepyhead,” Tracy greeted him. She was sitting on a chair beside his bed, looking rather distraught but otherwise alright.

            “Where am I?” He asked in a raspy voice.

            “Before I answer that, drink this first,” Tracy replied, handing him a glass of water. He took it and gulped, and he realized that he was thirsty than he expected. He asked for another glass, and Tracy poured him another one.

            “So, to answer your question, we’re at Oceanview Medical Center,” Tracy replied. “Angel’s quick thinking saved you, so you better be on your best behavior and talk to her honestly this time.”

            “What are you talking about?” Dawson asked.

            “Well, Angel called 911 on you,” Tracy explained. “Luckily, she knew first aid, so she treated that wound at the back of your neck. Lucky it was just a shallow cut, and she performed minor operation of removing some small shards that got lodged on the skin.”

            When Tracy mentioned the injury, he then felt something itchy at the back of his neck. He went to touch it, and there was a patch of gauze plastered on it.

            “How did she operate on me?” Dawson asked, remembering that she didn’t have anything with her to use.

            “There was a senior medical student staying at east dorm who was fortunate enough to hear your scuffle outside his door,” Tracy answered, sighing. “He heard the crash of the vase, and when he came rushing out, he saw Angel performing first aid on you, so the kind student helped cleaning your wound.”

            Dawson tried imagining Angel on the floor, fixing him up, and he was glad for it.

            “Where… is she?” Dawson asked, seeing that it was just the two of them in the room. He tried turning his head, and he felt a sudden throb. He winced.

            “Oh, that’s enough talk for today,” Tracy said, going to the bedside table and getting his medication. “You also had a concussion on your head, so you need to rest.”

            He drank the medicine he was given, and within seconds, he was back to sleep.

            The next time he woke up, it was morning already.

            “Wow, you sleep like a log,” Tracy joked.

            “Well, getting a vase smashed on your head does that to you,” Dawson chuckled, feeling a lot better, though his neck is still itchy. “Anyway, where’s Angel?”

            He wanted so bad to talk to her last night, but his head was so painful that he didn’t push it, but now, he wanted to, more than anything.

            “Don’t you want breakfast first?” Tracy asked.

            “I want to see her now,” Dawson said firmly, and silently, Tracy crossed the room, peered out, and walked out only to be replaced by Angel.

            “Hey,” she greeted rather nervously. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a plain white V-neck. She stood a few steps away, and she was fidgeting. He also noticed that her eyes were puffy and her face slightly red.

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