Inside Your Heaven - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

His Girlfriend

            “Where is he?!” Amanda Daniels said in her high pitched voice as she paced back and forth in the lobby. It was 6:30 in the evening, and her boyfriend, Dawson, was nowhere in sight.

            “Like I said, Amanda,” Gracie the receptionist said with a patient tone for the tenth time. “He’s partying with his friends, and won’t be back ‘til ten…”

            She ignored Gracie, and she whipped up her phone and dialed Dawson’s phone again. It rang thrice, and then Dawson’s voice piped up.

            This is Dawson’s phone, and sorry to inform you that he can’t come answer you… the voice said. Please leave a message and I’m sure to deliver it to him…

            Amanda didn’t bother to leave a message, but instead she just went into the elevator and climbed up the third floor.

            “Geez, he should’ve just told me,” Amanda huffed.

            And then, an idea suddenly came into her mind.

            As soon as the elevator dinged, she immediately closed the door again, and pushed 2 on the console. When the doors opened, she immediately went to dorm 23. Taking a pin out of her head, she picked the lock, and within minutes, it was open.

            “If you’re not going to answer your phone, then I’m going to sit out in your room,” Amanda muttered as she stepped in and locked the door behind her.

            Dawson was still staring at the picture he took when he clambered up the elevator. He got to thank Tracy sometime for letting him meet Angel, for he had some nice time hanging out with her, the new girl. However, this happiness was short lived the moment he opened his dorm.

            “Where have you been?” Said a familiarly high pitched, nasally voice of none other than his girlfriend, Amanda.

            “Geez, Amanda, you scared me!” Dawson said, clutching his chest.

            “I don’t care,” Amanda said with a hard tone. “What I care about is where you were.”

            Dawson went to sit beside her and kissed her full on the lips. Smiling to herself, Amanda pushed him on his bed and kissed him back.

            “Well, I was at my friend’s party,” Dawson said when they broke the kiss off. “It was sort of last minute so I didn’t have the chance to call you.”

            “But you could have called,” Amanda pouted, and Dawson chuckled and patted her head.

            “Aw, is wittle Amee missing me?” He cooed like he was speaking to a child, using his own nickname for her to suck it up. Amanda just nodded, and Dawson laughed.

            “Okay, I’ll make it up to you,” Dawson said, entwining his arms around her waist.

            “How?” Amanda asked.

            Dawson didn’t speak, but instead he just kissed her again and turned so that Amanda was beneath him.

            Oh, this is so worth it… Amanda thought as Dawson began unbuttoning her blouse.

            “I’ll just go take a shower, okay?” Dawson said thirty minutes later. He pushed himself off the bed, entered the bathroom and locked the door.

            Amanda lay down on Dawson’s bunk, huffing slightly from their make out session. Though it was good, it still wasn’t enough to make up for his neglect of her. looking around, she searched for the thing she wanted to browse through, and found it on his study table.

            Grabbing the blanket, she went and took Dawson’s phone and browsed the messages. He saw the ones from his friends, making her irritation flare up. Dawson’s friends hated her, and in her mind, she didn’t know why, and she hated that they hate her. She continued to scroll through the messages, but there was nothing else there.

            Sighing, she just opened the gallery to put in a picture of her that he had on his phone as a wallpaper, to make him be reminded every time that he had a girlfriend, but great was her surprise when she saw a picture that was not her.

            It was of a girl that was sleeping. She didn’t recognize the face, so she assumed she was new. And looking on what’s on the background, the girl was in Dawson’s car.

            So you were out with someone, eh? Amanda said, her teeth gritting. You’re not in a party… you were out with a girl…

            Amanda seethed into the darkness, her anger flaring up to an unimaginable degree.

            Someone’s gotta tell this girl who rules this place… and who owns Dawson Stewart…

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