Inside Your Heaven - Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

He’s her Fate, She’s his Destiny

            Later that day, Dawson was with Angel out in Station 1. They were sitting at their spot on top of the lifeguard post. Dawson was lying down, using Angel’s lap as a pillow, And Angel was silently stroking his hair while looking out into the surf. Dawson kept stealing glances at her, and Angel seemed oblivious to it.

            “What’s on your mind right now?” Dawson asked her. “You seemed preoccupied by something.”

            Angel then looked down on him, and she stroked his face tenderly.

            “I kept on thinking why my life has been an emotional roller coaster this past month,” Angel replied, drawing a big breath. “First was with my ex, and then with you and Amanda, and now this situation with Terrence. To be honest, I was planning to keep a low profile while I’m here and just graduate with honors and be an ordinary Ob-Gyne, but it seemed like it didn’t turn out to be like what I planned.”

            “Graduate with honors?” Dawson asked, raising one eyebrow.

            “I’m in a few AP classes as well as some honors classes,” Angel explained. “I got the credentials, so I applied for them. Didn’t Marco mention that I’m a bright one?”

            The both of them laughed.

            “Seems that I got lucky,” Dawson commented, smiling.

            “Lucky?” Angel seemed confused.

            “Yeah, lucky,” Dawson clarified. “I’m lucky because the most beautiful person in this world gets to be my girl.”

            “I’m not that pretty,” Angel said, blushing.

            Dawson reached out and touched her face, a thing he’d been dreaming of to do, and for one second, he thought she’ll push it away, but she didn’t she just let it lie when his hand was touching her face, even nuzzling it a bit.

            “Angelie Elizabeth Hayes,” Dawson said, letting his emotions flow out naturally. “You stayed strong when your ex had hurt you, and you stuck it out for me when I lay down in the hospital because of Amanda, and now you are even willing to help my best buddy out, and those are just some things that make you the most beautiful girl in this world in my eyes, and I’m lucky because that girl I came to like is now my girl. And I think… Things never went as you planned because you wouldn’t have met me.”

            “So you’re saying that my fate’s with you and I’m your destiny?” Angel asked, trying not to laugh at how corny it sounded.

            “Something like that,” Dawson replied, grinning.

            “You are corny Dawson James Stewart, you know that?” Angel said, mussing his hair.

            “Yeah, but you like it anyways,” Dawson countered, grinning.

            “True,” Angel chuckled. “I wouldn’t like you any other way.”

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