I've Been Watching the Wolrd Go by.

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Since she was my 8th fan!! THANK YOU, RoseDaniels!!!

Ok, not my best song, but I wrote it a year ago, and it still gets stuck in my head. Mainly the chorus. Anyways, I might end up editing since ideas are just coming and going. If you think it is good the way it is, comment. If you think I could make it better, comment. If your going to be rude, snobby, and plain critical, don't comment. =) Feel free to vote.

This song is to pop, and as you can guess from the words, it is mainly based on a person seeing how times have changed before her eyes. She had waisted so much of it, and was just realizing it sitting where she was in a car, thinking. Hope you like it, God bless!!  @~


I've Been Watching the World Go By.

( V1)

Sitting in the car seat, watching the clouds roll by. The music is soft, and the sun is lying down. And I wonder, “How much longer will I be like this? When will things finally change?”...

….A few years later...

I'm sitting in the back seat, watching the rain fall. The music is off, and the sun is hidden away. And I wonder, “Where is all the time going? How much time has already passed me by?” Everything is fading into one blur as I grow older. One moment I am asleep, the next I am wide awake trying to figure out where I am. If you asked me why, I could only reply....


I've been watching the world go by, it happened in a blink of an eye. Not sure how, but it all slipped away right out of my grasp. And my only excuse is I've been watching the world go by.


I'm sitting in the front seat, watching the trees go by. The music is blaring, the sun is high in the sky. And I wonder, “How long have I been down this road, and how many more times shall I see it?” Time is quick, and cruel. One minute I'm a little girl, wanting to grow up. Now I'm a teenager changing her mind between speeding things up and slowing them down. Then when I least expect it, I am in a totally different world. If you asked me why, I could only reply...

*Chorus *


Watching the world go by... right before my eyes!

You close your eyes, turn around and count to ten. After your done, you turn to face the new world that you now call life. Not knowing how all the time got away. Don't ever waist a second, 'cuz you never will get it back. When your asked why the time got away, you can only reply....

*Chorus *


I'm sitting in the driver's seat, watching the road go by. The music is quiet, and the stars are high in the sky. And I wonder, “How many more times shall I drive, or are my days limited to this night?” Even though I did it in the past, I can't allow the time to pass me by. I know I will be asked why, and I shall only have one reply.

Songs By A Rose  @~Where stories live. Discover now