Beauty And The Breakdown

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***Johnnie's POV***

Everyone started talking about self harm. I saw Emily messing with a few of her bracelets when I saw a cut or two. I just brushed it off because maybe I was just seeing things. She ran upstairs then came back down with a hoodie on. It wasn't cold in here at all so why'd she get the hoodie. Maybe what I saw was real. Well there's only one good way to find out.

****skip to where they're laying outside and resume from last chapter****

"well I uh kinda saw something inside that worried me."

"what would that be?" she asked.

"well I uh I saw some scars on your wrists and..." I told her.

She didn't say anything she just rolled on her other side so her back was facing me. I heard her crying a little that's when I got closer to her, hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"shhhh don't cry we all fall down sometimes. I've been there before please don't do it. Please, darling you'll be okay." I tell her as she turns towards me and buried her face into my chest. She cried some more and hugged me tighter.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"It's okay don't be sorry. Look I love you and I don't want you to hurt yourself." I told her.

"Y-y-you l-l-love me?" she asked between sobs.

"Yes I. Love. YOU!"

"I love you too." she said.

"No don't say that." I said.

She gave me a look of confusion with her makeup smeared face. She was so cute.

"If you say 'I love you too' then you're just agreeing with me." I explained.

"oh I never thought of it like that. So I'll say 'I love you lots'" she told me.

"I love you lots then." I told her. She smiled and laughed a little.

"See there's that smile and laugh!"

We laid there for a while and just made small talk. She would ask me things like, why something was like it was and I would try to explain things to her. I mean it's not like she's dumb, she just asks lots of questions. Then we talked about our pasts and different things like that.

By the time Bryan came outside yelling for us to come eat dinner it was dark outside. We got up, brushed ourselves off, and headed inside. Emily tugged on my hand and stopped walking.

"All of my makeup is smeared and I look bad." She said sadly.

"You're beautiful just the way you are, with or without makeup." I told her.

"There's the cheesyness again." she giggled.

"Yeah yeah. It's true though but if you really want to put on your makeup I will keep them distracted while you run upstairs."

"Ok thank you so much Johnnie" she said as she kissed my cheek.

**** Skip to after they all eat dinner.****

We decide to all go out and ride around. We just try to find something fun to do. Bryan drives while Stella, Damon, Emily, and me were all in the back.

*** Emily's POV ***

We rode around and found an arcade. We walked in and there was Ella the bitch who claimed she was my friend then went off on me about Johnnie. I told Johnnie about her, he just wrapped his arm around my waist, and we kept walking.

We got up to the counter and asked about tokens and cards so we could play games. We stayed at the arcade until it closed. It was now 1 A.M. We went and got pizza from Pizza Hut then got in the car and drove around. Bryan was driving while the four of us were in the back.

We were blasting music and jamming out.

"IN THE END AS YOU FADE INTO THE NIGHT (OH WOAH OH OH) WHO WILL TELL THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE?!!!!" we all shout as In The End by Black Veil Brides blares through the car speakers.

Since we were all jumping and dancing in the back of the car my hoodie sleeves came up. I looked down and just kinda slumped down next to Johnnie. He obviously saw what happened and he just pulled me close and kissed the cuts on my arms.

"Johnnie what the fuck are you doing to Emily?!" Bryan asks turning the radio down and looking back at me and Johnnie.

"uh I am kissing her because she is my girlfriend duuuhhh bitch" Johnnie said laying my arm down.

"so you make out with your girlfriends arm?" Bryan smarted off.

"no I fucking don't Bryan!" Johnnie raised his voice.

"Uh then what the hell were you just doing Johnnie!" Bryan snapped.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I hate it when my friends fight with each other. Damon who happened to be sitting beside me noticed I was crying and hugged me. I know that Stella didn't care because she knew that I thought of Damon as an older brother and she joined the hug. I shifted around and got out of the hug.

"ok can both of you shut up arguing I can't stand it when my best friends argue! Ok? And I defiantly don't like it that the arguing was kinda about me. The reason Johnnie was kissing my arm was because this." I said as I pulled up my hoodie sleeves and showed them my arms.

The car went silent other than the faint sound of Yeah Boy and Doll Face by: PTV. I leaned back against Johnnie and he whispered in my ear, "please don't be mad. I'm so sorry for what I did. I love you a billion red skittles and never want to upset you."

"awwweee Johnnie I love you @bunches." I whispered back.

I snuggled up to him and laced our fingers together. He quietly hummed Kissing In Cars by: PTV. I started humming along with him and he just smiled. It's like me and Johnnie are in our own little world. As if nothing or no one else matters. I soon drift off into sleep.

Soon we pull back up at my house. We all decided at the arcade to just crash at my place again. Everyone is unloading and I feel myself get shifted around. Then I'm swooped up by Johnnie. He carried me bridal style inside. Without thinking he took me to my room and laid me in my queen size bed.

We had chose to clean the tent up and sleep in the actual bedrooms tonight. Stella and Damon taking the big bed in the guest room. Me in my room and no one could have my moms room because I didn't want to get in trouble for messing with her stuff. So Johnnie being nice said he would take the couch. Well now since Bryan was staying here we needed an extra room or place to sleep.


Authors Note:

hope you liked this update! sorry it took long.


I would like to thank you guys for over 400 reads. I know it may not seem like a lot to some people but I never thought if get over 20 reads. :)

peace out thugpugs✌️🐶❤️

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