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***Emily's POV***

Today I saw Johnnie walking around with some friends. There was a freakishly tall blonde dude, a average size boy with a bit of blue hair peeking out of a beenie, and a mid-tall girl with brownish hair. They soon walked into the Hot Topic here at the Costal Grand Mall.

They were walking around in here and they all kept looking at me. I mean for Johnnie it was normal I guess but the others it was a tad bit wired. While overhearing them say a few words to each other I learned that the tall guy was Bryan, the guy with the blue hair was Damon, and the girl was Stella.

"Hi are you guys ready to check out?!" I say as they approach the counter.

"Yeah by the way I'm Bryan and Johnnie has said a lot about you!"

"Hi and by that I guess you know my name?" I said.

"Yeah but I don't!!" the blue haired boy named Damon said.

"Oh well my name is Emily Grace but you can just call me Emily or Em!" I replied.

"Oh ok hi Emily I'm Damon aka DeeFizzy on YouTube!" he said with a smile.

"Cool shirt you got here!" I said checking out their stuff!

"Thanks!" they said in unison.

"Hey Em there's something Johnnie wants to ask you!" Bryan said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Uh you see there's this place and I uh was wondering if you um maybe like-" He was cut short by Bryan telling him to spit it out.

"IWasWonderingIfYouMaybeWantedToGoOnLikeADateWithMe?" he said all at once.

"Slow it down Johnnie!" I said giggling a little.

He let out a deep breath and started to speak again.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on like a date with me? I mean you don't have to I was just wondering if you wan-" I cut him short by kissing him on the cheek.

He was blushing so bad. His face was as red as an apple.

"Yes Johnnie I would love to!" I said with a grin!



well they will be going on a datey date date!!

anyways vote/comment/share and all that stuffy stuff stuff!!

peace out thug pugs!!✌️🐶

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